Saturday, July 27, 2013

I love dogs!

Friday morning I got up and helped mama make an apple dutch pancake. Mama let me sit on the counter while she peeled and cut the apples, I decided to snack on one of the apples that she already peeled while I was watching. She also let me pour all of the ingredients into the blender and push the button. Daddy put me in my overalls in the morning when it was still cooler outside, and I rode on my tractor for a bit. Daddy and mama took me to the animal shelter to look at all of the dogs, and I really liked the lady that works there. She picked me up and every time I pointed at a dog, she would take me to the dog to say hi. I said hi to all of the dogs, there were a few cute puppies, but they were already sold. I did like a big dog there named Tex, he was excited when I pet him. We didn't come home with a dog this time, but maybe next time we visit we will be in our new house and can bring my favorite one home!After nap, daddy filled my pool and sat in it with me when it got too hot for anything else. We get the keys to our new house tomorrow, and daddy and mama are very excited, they told me I am going to love it there!

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