Saturday, July 20, 2013

Smart boy!

Yesterday mama had to work and I spent the day with daddy. Daddy and I also went to Roseburg so daddy could finish up some things at the rental. I helped him put the plums, that were all over the ground, in a bucket and then we went to the dump. We went to the hospital to have lunch with mama, but I didn't like all of her friends that had silly hats on their heads. After lunch I went to grandma's to take a nap and play with my cousins until mama got off of work. Mama lets me sit on the potty while she is getting my bath ready, and I actually peed on the potty. Today daddy had to go back to work, I did look through the entire house first to make sure he wasn't there. Mama and I went to the Saturday market, she bought me some blackberries that were yummy. I ate a few, and they gave me the runs :-( I learned how to cross my arms when I don't get what I want, but daddy and mama just laugh at me and I do too.

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