Thursday, October 8, 2015

Zoo Adventure!

I felt better on Monday so we went to workout and played at home. Mama bought us new winter coats and we were excited to try them on. Daddy and mama started clearing an area down by the creek and building steps to get down there easier. They have been working on this during our naps, and then I help when I wake up. Tuesday morning we got our bags packed and headed to Portland for Bella's Dr appointment for the little bump that grew under her left eye. Mama packed sandwiches that we ate on the road and we stopped for one potty break on the way there. We both had naps and were excited to see lala when we got there. We had a little picnic snack by the play structure they had there, then went to see the Dr. We weren't there long and then we went on a fun ride on a tram. We took my bike with us then rode across a new big bridge to go to omsi. There were lots of fun toys and games there to play. We enjoyed our time with Lala,  and rode the tram back to the hospital where we parked. We gave lala lots of snuggles and waved goodbye. We went to mama's friends house for dinner and to spend the night. We had yummy tacos and Natalie had lots of fun toys to play with. Ryan built her a trail in their backyard for her bike and we rode for a bit after dinner.  It started to get dark so he taped flashlights to our bikes. Next we went jeeping in her power wheels jeep. She let me drive and we had so much fun. It was bedtime but we stayed up a little late because we were having so much fun. After bath, Ryan read us some books and he talked in really silly voices that made me belly laugh.  The next morning after breakfast we went to the zoo with Kate and Natalie. It rained most of the time we were there and we got soaked. We had fun jumping in puddles and seeing all of the animals. We went out for lunch and then said our goodbyes before heading home. We slept most of the way home:) 

I'm starting to get more teeth and I have been a bit cranky. I was excited to see lala and had fun playing with her. I didn't really like the Dr appointment much but we got good news. The bump under my eye is benign but needs to be removed. He told us the surgery can be done closer to home so that made mama happy.  I played with lots of toys at omsi and enjoyed my stroller ride on the way there. Lala made us new pillows and I snuggled mine all the way to Kate and Ryan's house. I ate my whole taco and Jace's too. Mama put me in the bath while Jace and Natalie played.  I was sleepy,  but my teeth kept me up all night, so I kept mama up too.  I saw lots of animals at the zoo and waved goodbye to my new friend Natalie.  I had a much needed sleep on the way home! 

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