Friday, October 23, 2015

Fall Festivities!

Mama was on call for the weekend,  so we went to grandma's house early on Saturday morning. Papa and grandma both had to work,  so we went to uncle Nick and auntie Lori's house for a few hours after breakfast.  Auntie Lori and mama did some sewing and I had fun playing with my friends.  I even tried out Wyatt's roller skates.  We rode bikes outside with uncle Nick and that was fun too. We went back to papa and grandma's house for nap,  and mama never got called in all day!  Mama worked a few hours after church on Sunday and all of my friends came over to grandma's while auntie Lori painted grandma's counters. We rode bikes,  played with cars,  and built legos. Mama worked on Monday and got off a little early, so we headed for home.  We had lots of eggs to collect when we got home and we talked to daddy but he hasn't had any luck hunting yet. The next day I helped mama spray paint our turtle shells for our Halloween costumes and then our friends came over to do some Halloween crafts and have dinner.  Demian and I built some scary haunted houses and then used our hand prints to make spiders.  We also played a fun game where we pretended that our sisters were monsters and we ran away from them whenever they came near us. We went to workout and kinder gym on Wednesday then went to Medford after nap for Bella's Dr appointment to schedule surgery to remove the bump under her eye.  We were super excited to see daddy when he got home on Thursday. He didn't get anything but he had a good time with his friends.  Mama worked on Friday and we spent the day with daddy:) We had the sniffles and snuggled a lot. Daddy and mama almost finished the stairs to the creek,  now it just needs to rain so we can burn the brush piles down there.!

I had fun at grandma's and at uncle Nick's.  I played with animals at grandma's house and got really good at setting them all up. I played with Shea mostly at their house.  Papa and grandma read me my favorite books over and over and I loved it.  I have pooped on the potty several times but didn't have any luck at grandma's.  I sat on the potty and tried though.  I enjoyed playing out in the dirt with my cousins and knocking over the lego towers they built inside. I helped mama make yummy pumpkin chocolate chip muffins on Tuesday before out friends arrived.  I had a lot of fun making our Halloween crafts with our friends. When mama painted my feet it made me giggle, and we turned them into scary ghosts.  I jumped on the big trampoline at kinder gym. I didn't like the plastic surgeon when I met him,  but Jace sat in the chair next to me and made me laugh while he talked with mama. I was excited to see daddy when I woke up from my nap on Thursday. I cooked Jace and daddy tea and soup on Friday in my play kitchen.

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