Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy daddy's day!

Mama, miss Tami, Maren and I all went for a walk on Wednesday. We walked to a campground where the sprinklers were on and Marin and I stripped our clothes off and played in a puddle that one of the sprinklers made. We had so much fun, we didn't want to leave. I played in the sprinklers in the back yard too. I helped daddy put the lid on the wood box, and we picked more strawberries out of the garden. On Friday, we went to the park where there was a bounce house with a slide, I had so much fun. I also liked climbing on the monkey bars. Saturday, I went to Medford with daddy to get a new pellet grill for father's day. I was a really good boy so we went for a four-wheeler ride when we got home and we bbq'd salmon for dinner (it was delicious). Sunday was father's day, I gave daddy his card that I drew in, and we all went for a hike behind the house. After nap we went  to the Rogers' house for dinner. I played in Maren's pool, sandbox and had fun playing with her in the yard with our daddys. Mama didn't feel very good on Monday, so I was a big helper with Bella and we read a lot of books and played with puzzles inside.

Mama carries me in a front pack for a walks, and I fall right to sleep because I'm snuggled in close. I'm beginning to be more verbal, cooing and an occasional smile when someone is holding me. I also love snuggling with my big brother, he is very entertaining for me. I had my two week checkup at the Dr on Tuesday and I weighed in at 8lbs5oz, a whole pound over my birth weight! Everything checked out good and Iwas wide awake for the entire appointment. I'm beginning to enjoy my baths a little more these days, and mama doesn't have to wake me up to feed me at night, I wake up on my own.

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