Thursday, June 26, 2014

Blueberry pickin'

Monday,  we tried out a fun little park on the Applegate river. Daddy and I swam and played in the sand.  There weren't many people there, and we had a great time. We had a picnic there too. I was so sleepy by the time we packed up to head home,  that I was asleep as soon as we left. When I woke up, we played outside for a bit, then headed for a promotional ceremony in Medford for some of daddy's friends. There were 2 fire engines there and day let me sit in one.  We had so much fun at the river,  that we went back on Tuesday.  There are monkey bars and a sand digger at the park too.  I had fun on them until I fell off the monkey bars and my fave went in the sand.  I didn't cry, but I had to go in the river then to rinse off the sand. We had a picnic again, but I made it home for my nap that day. Wednesday morning after breakfast,  mama,  Bella and I all headed to Roseburg to pick blueberries.  Papa and grandma were already there picking when we got there. It was sprinkling rain, but we didn't mind. I ate all of the blueberries that I picked. Between feeding Bella and taking me to the potty a couple times,  mama didn't get as many berries as she hoped.  So papa and grandma let us take all of the ones they picked too.  Blueberries are my favorite fruit. We spent the night at papa and grandma's, and I played with my cousins on Thursday morning. Papa,  Kenzi and mama all went to pick some raspberries while we stayed and played.  We headed home at nap time and I was asleep immediately.

I had fun watching my daddy and brother play in the river.  There was lots to see there, and I gave mama some smiles.  I slept through the ceremony in mama's arms.  We watched Jace jump off of the monkey bars and relaxed in the shade. Mama put me in her front pack to pick blueberries,  but after I ate she moved me to the car seat and stroller.  While Jace napped,  mama and I went to the hospital to visit her friends. I was full of smiles and even cooed a little. Next we went to Costco shopping and I got a lot of attention from other shoppers.  Mama visited with lots of people she knew, and I was quiet as a mouse. When we got back to the house,  I got lots of snuggles from papa and grandma. On Thursday, while mama was picking raspberries I stayed and snuggled with Shea.

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