Saturday, July 27, 2013

I love dogs!

Friday morning I got up and helped mama make an apple dutch pancake. Mama let me sit on the counter while she peeled and cut the apples, I decided to snack on one of the apples that she already peeled while I was watching. She also let me pour all of the ingredients into the blender and push the button. Daddy put me in my overalls in the morning when it was still cooler outside, and I rode on my tractor for a bit. Daddy and mama took me to the animal shelter to look at all of the dogs, and I really liked the lady that works there. She picked me up and every time I pointed at a dog, she would take me to the dog to say hi. I said hi to all of the dogs, there were a few cute puppies, but they were already sold. I did like a big dog there named Tex, he was excited when I pet him. We didn't come home with a dog this time, but maybe next time we visit we will be in our new house and can bring my favorite one home!After nap, daddy filled my pool and sat in it with me when it got too hot for anything else. We get the keys to our new house tomorrow, and daddy and mama are very excited, they told me I am going to love it there!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Today was another really hot day, but it was overcast so daddy filled my pool. I played in the water for a while and loved splashing water by stomping my feet. One of the times when I was trying to get out of the pool, I slipped and did a face plant on the concrete. There was blood running into my eye, so mama wiped it off and put some ice on it. I didn't like the ice on my head so I put the ice pack in my mouth instead. I cried, but just a little bit because I'm a tough boy. I also went in my swing, mama pushed me really high and it makes me laugh a lot.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another molar!

Yesterday I went to grandma's again because daddy and mama worked. I had fun with my cousins, and grandma let me pick a cucumber from her garden. Then she let me eat it after she washed it, it was yummy! After I got my pjs on, I saw grandma sitting on the couch with her feet on the coffee table, so I tried too. Today I was home with daddy and mama, and another huge molar popped through my gums. Mama said it was swollen and bleeding, so she gave me a popsicle to make it feel better. I made a huge mess, but it was delicious! I played outside while daddy and mama worked on refinishing an old desk.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Smart boy!

Yesterday mama had to work and I spent the day with daddy. Daddy and I also went to Roseburg so daddy could finish up some things at the rental. I helped him put the plums, that were all over the ground, in a bucket and then we went to the dump. We went to the hospital to have lunch with mama, but I didn't like all of her friends that had silly hats on their heads. After lunch I went to grandma's to take a nap and play with my cousins until mama got off of work. Mama lets me sit on the potty while she is getting my bath ready, and I actually peed on the potty. Today daddy had to go back to work, I did look through the entire house first to make sure he wasn't there. Mama and I went to the Saturday market, she bought me some blackberries that were yummy. I ate a few, and they gave me the runs :-( I learned how to cross my arms when I don't get what I want, but daddy and mama just laugh at me and I do too.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Busy week!

On Monday we all went to Roseburg to work on mama's old house to get it ready for new renters. Grandma came over too, to help and keep an eye on me. I helped daddy and mama haul brush and helped grandma clean the walkway and sidewalk. We didn't get it all finished on Monday, so we stayed at grandma and papa's to finish up on Tuesday. I stayed at grandma's with all of my cousins, there were 6 of us there playing and I had a lot of fun. We came home in the afternoon, but it was too hot so we stayed inside. Yesterday was daddy's birthday, we had a fun day. Daddy and mama signed for a new house, while I slept in the stroller. Then we went out for lunch to celebrate. I got daddy a foam roller to roll out his sore muscles, but since I picked it out, I think that it is mine! Daddy and mama did a workout in the afternoon and then we had a yummy grilled dinner. Mama made apple blueberry crisp instead of birthday cake, it was tasty!

Friday, July 12, 2013

I love popsicles!

Yesterday I spent the day with grandma and my cousins. We had a fun day and I was a very good boy all day. When mama came home, I decided to test her and I threw my water bottle because I was mad. Mama told me to pick it up, but I cried and screamed and got a time out. I still wouldn't pick it up, in fact I decided to throw it again! This went on for 45 min until I finally gave in and took mama the water bottle. Today, daddy mowed the lawn and trimmed bushes, and I helped. I took a huge nap this afternoon, then mama gave me a popsicle and we went outside. After I ate dinner, mama, daddy and I went to Jack and Debby's house, next door, for a bbq. I had fun throwing the ball in their kiddy pool. I even sat on Debby's lap for a while, she was very nice.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My new renovated tractor

Daddy put the final touches on my tractor. I love driving it, but my feet still don't reach the pedals. Daddy put some firewood in the trailer so I could help him. Yesterday daddy and mama had to work and I spent the day with grandma and my cousins. We drove through the wildlife safari and had a good time. I ran and did a face plant and skinned up my nose too. Today we went to Medford so mama and daddy could run errands. We stopped at the mall and I rode on a toy fire engine, but when the sirens went off and it started moving, I didn't like it so daddy had to ride with me. It was way too hot to play outside, so I only played in the yard while mama was watering her flowers this evening.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Camping fun!

We went camping this weekend at lake of the woods. Grandma and papa came too. They brought their camper, but daddy, mama and I slept in the tent. I had so much fun, playing in the lake, the dirt and at our campsite. Saturday we spent the day down by the lake except for my naps. I threw rocks in the water, walked on logs and jumped off of stumps. That evening we went for a bike ride to the resort, where there was live music and I saw lots of woof woofs (dogs). Before bath and bed, I played a little ladder golf. On Sunday morning we played at the lake and I watched daddy and papa fish, but they didn't have any luck. Then we went back to the campsite and played catch with my ball. When it was time to pack up to head home, grandma and papa took me for a walk so daddy and mama could take down the tent without me. I was so exhausted from the weekend that I was sleeping before we even drove out of the campground, and slept all if the way home.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Yesterday I spent the day with mama, grandma, and mama's best friend Amber. I watched mama and Amber workout in the morning, then we went our for lunch with mama's friend Kim and her 2 month old baby, Brinley. Today Miss Tami and my friend Maren came over and spent the day. My daddy and Maren's daddy had to work. We played in the pool, the sand box, and the swing. We had big slices of watermelon for a snack, out was yummy! Miss Tami bought us some fireworks, but we were scared and didn't really like them. I snuggled with mama a bunch before bed.