Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Our Happy Place!

Bella and I have been getting along so well lately and daddy and mama are so happy with us. School is going well, Fridays are the only day that I struggle. I think it is because I have so many assignments and Bella has less on Fridays. It finally rained and of course we missed the sun already, so we set up a beach day in the living room 😊 We got all of the plants for the garden and helped mama plant them. Daddy milled a tree from behind the house and made all of the boards for the floor of the second story of the treehouse. Grandma came down to play with us while Papa and mama put the floor on. Daddy has been working a lot lately and we wish he could just be home with us too. On mother's day, we made mama a breakfast frittata in the pizza oven and we sat in the hot tub with mama while daddy cooked it. It was delicious! Then we went on a hike behind the house and found lots of treasures. We painted rocks and baked cookies for our teachers for teacher appreciation week and delivered them to their houses.  The governor lifted a few restrictions and mama has to go back to work. One of the days we got to spend at Miss Audra's house and we had a great time with our buddies. They also came over one day to see our treehouse and play at the creek. I decided to run while Demian rode the Zipline to see if I could beat him. I was looking up at him instead of where my feet were and I crashed hard. Got a little road rash, but after I washed it out, I was fine. 

I love playing in the rain and puddles. It also means that we get to play in the playroom, which has lots of toys that we don't play with often. Jace and I have been building a lot of lego. We also watched this show called lego masters that was really cool! I love getting the garden ready and planting with mama. The treehouse is really coming together and the Zipline is back up and running. I am the best at making Mama's coffee now, so I bring it to her when I get up. I am getting much stronger and can go further on the Ninja line than before. Daddy and mama rented a tool to dig the holes for a gate on our driveway, we had fun watching! I didn't think I was going to have a birthday party, but the governor lifted some restrictions and allowed 25 people. So we started planning a rainbow party. I'm excited to see everyone! Mama is working again, but we spent a couple of days with Papa and grandma and another day at Miss Audra's. Daddy has a lot of training to do, so we surprised him at the training with lunch. We also helped mama pressure wash the patio to surprise him. They opened the gym back up, so we go there a couple times a week. On Saturdays we meet at the track for a workout and coach Matt told me that my front tooth would come out if I just squeezed it, and sure enough it popped right out! The tooth fairy brought me two silver dollars! My other front tooth is wiggly too! So three days before my birthday, I pulled that one out too. 

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