Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Spring Flings and Easter Things!

We started getting the garden ready by weeding and taking all of the sprinklers out so we could add more dirt mixed with chicken poop. Papa and grandma came to visit before they went on a trip and we had yummy nachos. Baseball is going really well, I even got to play catcher a couple of times. We celebrated Easter with our friends one day after school with an Easter egg hunt as usual. It was great fun, then we went to the circus for an hour before my baseball game.  I even got to see the motorcycle act before I had to leave! The Easter bunny came and hid our baskets as usual. He brought me new books, shoes,a bug catcher kit, bubbles and silly putty. Daddy had to work, but mama made us bunny bums for breakfast and then went to church. Lala came to visit on mama's birthday and watched us do gymnastics then we went out to dinner. I helped daddy put together mama's birthday present and she loved her new benches/tables! Lala watched us while daddy and mama had to work. Mama got called off on the other day, so we went biking on the Greenway with lala. She also played with us on the playground at school while daddy and mama had my teacher conference. They got a good report and then lala had to head home. Later that day, after baseball practice, we went to celebrate Rowan's 2nd birthday. Mama made a cookie monster cake and towel for him and miss Audra made bubble solution that made huge bubbles. It was my idea to start a behavior plan like the Bernstein Bears. We have been doing a lot of chores:/ we had a hotdog roast down by the creek with our friends one night after school!

Swim and gymnastics are going really well, I can swim like a frog on my back across the pool! I had fun with papa and grandma when they came, but papa lost all of his hair and I want him to keep his hat on because he looks like a different man! They got us a light for our toilet and it glows different colors in the dark. I had lunch and nap with Aven while mama helped in Jace's class, then we went to my house to have a Easter egg hunt. We had confetti eggs and broke them all over each other, it was awesome. The circus was really fun too, and I stayed for the whole thing, while Jace and mama went to his baseball game. The Easter bunny brought me a new outfit, books,a bug kit and silly putty. My bunny pancakes and bacon were really yummy too. I gave lala lots of snuggles while she was here, and we went to open gym and took Jace lunch at school too. I showed off on my new bike and lala was impressed. I can even pedal while standing up. Rowan's birthday party was fun, and his cake was yummy! Miss Audra made mama and I matching harvest aprons and they are so cute, I can't wait to use mine! I have been weeding and doing chores because of the new behavior chart too!

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