Mama worked Monday and we stayed home with daddy. We went to workout and played outside. Tuesday we went to workout then babies and wobblers class at the library. Wednesday mama's workout then kinder gym for Bella and I. After nap Bella and I helped mama pick all of the ripe veggies out of the garden. She made a huge pot of spaghetti sauce with all of the veggies we picked and it was delicious. She has been making a lot of pesto to put in the freezer with all of the basil we have been picking. Mama worked again on Thursday so we went to grandma's and played with my friends. On Friday daddy and mama took us to the fair. We walked through all of the barns and saw pigs, goats, cows and even got to pet some of them. Then we went on some rides. I went down a giant slide and raced mama, then went on some truck rides and a dragon roller coaster. I had lots of fun and want to go again next year to ride the bigger rides:) Saturday morning we went to the Greenway to practice biking without my training wheels and it went fantastic! I learned to use my brakes and pedaled really hard to make it up most of the hills by myself. Daddy and mama were so proud of me. Bella clapped for me too. We keep checking every day for eggs, but the chickens aren't laying yet. I tried to show Bella how to ride my old tricycle, but her legs can't reach the pedals yet, so I gave her a ride on the back! We have been playing so well together lately, mama has been able to do lots of chores around the house;)
I had fun this week playing with Jace and at the gym. I like to ride in the scooters at kinder gym especially when mama pulls me. I have been sitting on the potty before bath, but don't quite understand yet. My 1 year molars are starting to come through and it is very painful. When we go to the garden I say papapapa which means please, and Jace and mama feed me strawberries and cherry tomatoes. I liked seeing all of the animals at the fair, especially the baby pigs. I enjoyed petting them all and even sat on a steer. I was able to ride on the carousel with daddy, but I didn't like it too much. I cheered for Jace when he rode his bike on the Greenway, and it was fun when daddy ran and pushed me in the stroller. I rode on the back of his trike, but didn't really trust him very much! On Monday when mama sat me on the potty, I had a big poop! Jace did the happy dance for me and mama did a lot of clapping and gave me a treat.
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