Last week daddy had a big test at work that he has been getting ready for, and he did great. We even went to the fire station for dinner to celebrate. I woke up real early on mother's day to tell mama "happy mother's day!" Then I went into the pantry and got some cereal, then in the freezer for some blueberries and I was just getting a chair to reach the milk in the refrigerator when mama got up and helped. I wanted to make breakfast for her all by myself, but I needed a little help. We made some cute flower pots for grandma, lala and mama after daddy got home and then planted the garden after nap. Daddy made a yummy dinner for us so mama didn't have to cook, it was a fun day. Grandma and papa came to visit after nap the next day. It was raining so we played inside. I fell off of my trampoline while showing them my trick. I got a big bruise on my head that turned purple right away, it was pretty silly. I had another good week of swim and story time at the library. We even planted a Christmas cactus as our craft and got two books to keep from the library. Mama worked a couple days so we spent the night at papa and grandma's house. Someone is going to buy their house and they started packing all of their stuff in boxes. All of my friends were there on Friday, and we had fun playing together. I helped daddy and mama put more bark chip in the chicken run and I have been watching my strawberries in the garden grow and grow. I'm so excited for them to turn red so I can eat them, they are getting big:)
I have been a bit clingy lately because I am trying to cut another tooth. I had fun when we went to the fire station and we walked to the park nearby. Daddy pushed me in the swing and I giggled a bunch. I had a french toast muffin for breakfast on mother's day and fresh strawberries. They were delicious! I fell asleep during swim and had fun with papa and grandma on Monday. I jumped on the trampoline like Jace. Then grandma let me fly on her feet like an airplane and papa read me some books. We went to kinder gym this week too and I crawled all over the place. I'm still cruising the walls and couches at home, not quite ready to let go. I was very entertained with all of the kids on Friday, but didn't nap very well.
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