Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Strawberry Picnic Birthday Party!

After breakfast on Saturday morning,  bampa,  daddy and I all went to walk for relay for life for an hour.  Daddy and I wore our turnouts, and I was a big hit! I had to pose for pictures a whole bunch, so it took a long time to get around the track.  We drove there in the jeep without the top and I thought that was so cool.  We played outside and got ready for Bella's party until lunch and nap. Mama made a card table house for Bella and lala was helping her finish, I was excited to play in it. When I woke up, everything was ready and I was afraid the party started without me. Mama was decorating a strawberry cake for Bella that looked real yummy. All my friends came and we played games and watched Bella open her gifts. I got her a Violet dog that talks and she liked it. Then we all had a picnic with peanut butter and strawberry sandwiches,  strawberry yogurt, chips and fruit skewers.  After we sang happy birthday to Bella,  I helped her blow out her candle.  My favorite part of the day was watching her eat her cake.  She put her whole face right in it and made a huge mess! I had a cupcake instead of strawberry shortcake. Uncle Tyler,  Auntie Leanne and Grace spent the night too.  I let them sleep in my room and I slept in daddy and mama's closet.

I played with Lala all morning while mama finished my birthday present and made my birthday cake.  She even made me a special shirt and tutu to wear for the big party.  I was happy to see everyone at my party and really enjoyed my peanut butter and strawberry sandwich.  I ate a bunch of fruit to and then I dove into my first taste of cake.  It was so delicious that I put my whole face into it and kneaded it with my hands. When I was finished,  mama put me in a bucket of water to wash me off a bit before getting a bath. Daddy gave me a bath and I gave everyone snuggles before they left. I went to bed pretty early after my big day!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday Bella!

On Monday morning we all had breakfast and got ready to go to grandma's house.  Daddy was going Mt biking,  but drove the truck with the trailer to Roseburg with us. We brought the trailer so papa and grandma could move the rest of their furniture out of their house.  We went to home depot to meet daddy's buddies,  and we went inside to say hi to papa but he was busy helping customers,  so we just waved. When we got to grandma's,  Bella got in the walker and gave me a ride down the driveway. Uncle Nick,  papa and mama all took stuff to the storage unit and we stayed and played with grandma.  We had spaghetti and strawberry shortcake and it was delicious!  Mama got called into work super early in the morning,  so she got the day off.  We stayed at grandma's with my friends and mama ran errands,  went shopping and then she and papa picked 30 pounds of strawberries!  When they got back, we headed home and found the first ripe strawberry in our garden.  We went to workout,  swim and story time at the library on Wednesday morning. We picked daddy up after his biking trip and went home for lunch and nap.  We played outside after nap and daddy and I relaxed in the yard. We asked mama to take our picture and then heard a rattling noise,  and there was a rattle snake by our front steps! Daddy took care of it and we played until bampa and lala got to our house. After dinner,  lala read me books and tucked me into bed. Thursday was Bella's birthday and I sang happy birthday to her when she woke up. We all went down on the Greenway after breakfast.  I rode my bike, and Bella went in the stroller.  I showed bampa and lala how well I rode my bike. After nap, we played in Bella's new water table that bampa and lala got for her. After Bella went to the Dr Friday morning, we went to the library and saw Allan, Maren and Maddox there. Daddy and mama went on a date that night and we stayed home with bampa and lala.

I slept all the way to Roseburg,  but smiled and waved to papa at home depot.  We gave daddy big snuggles and smooches and headed to grandma's.  I had fun in the walker running around the driveway. When I went off of the side I just backed up and I was off again. I was a little cranky for grandma the next day, but also had fun with my cousins. There were lots of kiddos at mama's workout Wednesday morning and we all had fun. I was excited to see bampa and lala when they got to our house.  Thursday was my birthday and mama came into my room singing happy birthday to me. I got lots of happy birthdays and we went for a nice walk on the Greenway.  I got a water table from bampa and lala and I had so much fun splashing in it. I had a doctor's appointment Friday and they gave me five shots!  I cried a bunch and it was a rough day. We still went to the library when I was done, then I took a big nap.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Busy Week!

We went to church on Sunday and I helped Bella do her hair, it looked beautiful!  I was a really good boy at bible school and I even got animal crackers.  We went to miss Lori's after church because daddy was finishing her backyard landscaping.  We played outside after nap and daddy found a turtle out by the garden. It was so cool and I told him "I've been looking for a turtle ALL day and you just found one,  thank you daddy!" I pet his shell and then we put him down so he could go find some water. After dinner and bath, daddy took us out for ice cream and I got to eat the cone and everything!  It was delicious!! Daddy went to Colorado for a class for work and we had a busy week.  We had workout and swim on Monday and Wednesday and story time at the library on Wednesday and Friday.  We spent the night at the Rogers' house so mama could watch Maren and Maddox  a couple of days because their daddy went with my daddy to Colorado.  We had a lot of fun over there, but Maren and I also fought a lot! Mama had to take toys away that we fought over and that made us very sad. Maren hada good idea to play dress up, and I dressed up as spiderman! Daddy came home on Thursday and I was so excited to see him. He worked again on Friday,  and miss Tami came to our house after the library to stay with us during nap so that my mama could get a massage that she got for her birthday. When she got home, we did a flag craft for memorial and independence day. Daddy and mama did lots of chores outside on Saturday and even built a door for the chicken coop. Bella and I had snotty noses so we couldn't go to church, but our friends the Hill's came over for dinner. They stayed and played pretty late,  but we had lots of fun playing in the blind papa gave me and in the sand box. I helped mama pack our bags and get ready to go to grandma's house on Monday. Daddy packed his bags to go Mt biking.

I was a good girl at church and all of the young girls took turns holding and playing with me. I have fun at mama's workout place too,  there is one little boy that gives me all of his attention and I love it! I usually fall asleep watching Jace swim and wake up when mama puts me in the car. I didn't sleep very well at miss Tami's house,  but I had fun with all of their toys. I had a stuffy nose andi came down with another cold:(  I got a little jealous when mama held Maddox,  but Maren and Jace did a good job entertaining me. I watched mama mow the lawn from my pack and play and when Jace woke up from his nap,  he joined me. He was being so silly and it made me laugh and laugh! Mama gave us a wheelbarrow ride after she dumped or all of the grass.  I was so excited to see daddy when we got home and I didn't want him to put me down. I didn't like getting my feet painted because it tickled a whole bunch. The boys entertained me a lot and I enjoyed playing on the trampoline and slide with them.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Last week daddy had a big test at work that he has been getting ready for,  and he did great.  We even went to the fire station for dinner to celebrate.  I woke up real early on mother's day to tell mama "happy mother's day!" Then I went into the pantry and got some cereal,  then in the freezer for some blueberries and I was just getting a chair to reach the milk in the refrigerator when mama got up and helped.  I wanted to make breakfast for her all by myself,  but I needed a little help. We made some cute flower pots for grandma,  lala and mama after daddy got home and then planted the garden after nap.  Daddy made a yummy dinner for us so mama didn't have to cook, it was a fun day. Grandma and papa came to visit after nap the next day. It was raining so we played inside.  I fell off of my trampoline while showing them my trick. I got a big bruise on my head that turned purple right away,  it was pretty silly. I had another good week of swim and story time at the library. We even planted a Christmas cactus as our craft and got two books to keep from the library.  Mama worked a couple days so we spent the night at papa and grandma's house.  Someone is going to buy their house and they started packing all of their stuff in boxes. All of my friends were there on Friday,  and we had fun playing together. I helped daddy and mama put more bark chip in the chicken run and I have been watching my strawberries in the garden grow and grow. I'm so excited for them to turn red so I can eat them, they are getting big:)


I have been a bit clingy lately because I am trying to cut another tooth. I had fun when we went to the fire station and we walked to the park nearby. Daddy pushed me in the swing and I giggled a bunch. I had a french toast muffin for breakfast on mother's day and fresh strawberries.  They were delicious! I fell asleep during swim and had fun with papa and grandma on Monday. I jumped on the trampoline like Jace. Then grandma let me fly on her feet like an airplane and papa read me some books. We went to kinder gym this week too and I crawled all over the place. I'm still cruising the walls and couches at home, not quite ready to let go. I was very entertained with all of the kids on Friday,  but didn't nap very well.