Friday, April 3, 2015

Outside fun!

I was up most of the night on Friday night with a sore throat and stuffed up nose,  and mama got called into work real early.  She came home and had breakfast with us and played for a while before she had to go back to work.  I was a good boy for papa,  and when he went to work mama's friend miss Connie came over until mama got home.  We went to Costco and the dump with mama,  then back to grandma's for dinner,  bath and bed.  Mama worked again on Sunday morning then came back while I was napping.  When I got up, she took us to uncle Nick and aunt Lori's.  It was beautiful and sunny,  so they were having water balloon fights when we got there.  I immediately took off my pants,  socks and shirt and joined in. I jumped on the trampoline with Shea and after getting dry clothes on, we walked out to see the horse.  I tried riding a tricycle down the steep hill,  but I rolled it and didn't try again.  I walked their little dog lucky and we all had pizza before going back to grandma's house.  I slept better that night and we headed home to see daddy on Monday morning.  It was supposed to be the last sunny day for a few days so we spent the entire day outside.  I helped daddy level the driveway with my four wheeler while he was on his.  Mama worked on pallets for the floor of the chicken coop. Daddy helped her while Bella and I napped,  and they got it almost done! I'm excited to get baby chicks:) after nap, we drove up a really bumpy road and then went for a hike to look for moral mushrooms and maybe deer sheds. I had a lot of fun, but we didn't find anything. We had a picnic snack and went home for dinner. I spent the day with daddy on Tuesday while mama worked and Bella went to grandma's.  We had a fun morning, then went to the store before going to my dentist appointment.  I didn't like anyone looking in my mouth and I cried the whole time I was there:( we went home for lunch and nap, then we played outside a bit on my bike. Daddy and mama put walls up in Alli's old pen for the chicken coop on Wednesday and Thursday, it looks really cool. Daddy also got new sand for my sand box so I have been building some cool stuff in it. Styles came to visit and we took the lid to my sandbox and used it as a sled to slide down the hill. We were having so much fun, it entertained us for a long time:)

I wasn't quite sure of miss Connie, so I snuggled papa for a while before warming up to her. Then I went to her and showed her how I clap and wave. She couldn't believe that I didn't cry when she laid me down for nap. I had lasagna for the first time and it was pretty yummy. I had lots of fun watching the water balloon fight, and even laughed out loud. Mama put me in the pack and play for a nap, but I couldn't go to sleep. Instead I fell asleep on the way back to grandma's in the truck. I got Jace's stuffed up nose and didn't sleep well on Sunday night.  I spent some time in the pack and play outside in the sunshine on Monday.  I enjoy playing in there as long as I can see daddy,  mama or Jace. On our drive to go for a hike, it was so bumpy that it made me giggle.  Every time daddy hit a bump, Jace and I thought it was really funny. Daddy put me in a pack on his back and I could see over his shoulder, I enjoyed it! I had lots of fun playing with all of my cousins on Tuesday,  but I missed Jace.  I was so excited to see him when I got home.  I still have a runny nose, but I'm also cutting more teeth. My hair is finally long enough for one pony tail on top of my head or two little pigtails.

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