Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy birthday mama!

We have been letting the chickens out in the yard to find bugs and fertilize it for daddy when it is sunny and warm.  Bella and I have fun watching them and holding them too.  They are starting to get feathers and are learning how to fly. Swim class is still going great,  I am becoming an excellent floater and learning to swim under water. Mama finally returned to the gym, so Bella and I got to go play with our friends there a couple of days this week. We also went for a bike ride on the Greenway with miss Tami,  Maren and Maddox. I tuckered out a little before we were finished but I had fun. We even had a picnic. I sang Happy Birthday to mama when I got up on Wednesday, and daddy made her a special dinner when he got home from work. Mama worked Thursday and we spent the night at grandma's house.  We made mama a birthday cake and I helped her blow out the candles.  The next morning we went to mama's friend Chelsea's house to see her and her one year old twins.  I was a pretty good boy there and then I slept almost all of the way home.  We stopped at home to get daddy,  then headed to the Rogers house for Allan and mama's birthday dinner. Maren got a new horse tire swing and it was so fun to ride. My friends came to my house before we all went out to Shoji's for dinner.  We went for mama, aunt Lori, uncle Nick and Wyatt's birthdays. They cooked our dinner in front of us and there was lots of hot fire, it was so cool!  Church was fun on Sunday then we played outside the rest of the day!

I love watching the chickens play in the yard, but mama says I'm not gentle enough with them. She thinks I might squeeze them too tight. I went along to workout and swim both times this week. I fell asleep during swim one of the days and had lots of fun the day we went for a walk.  We went out for lunch with miss Christie for mama's birthday.  I had fun at grandma's house and was very interested in the one year old boys that we went to visit.  Job was interested in me too,  but Jett wasn't amused.  I slept most of the way home too,  and that made mama happy.  I got lots of attention at the Rogers house and ate a big dinner. I was kind of cranky after nap on Saturday and ended up falling asleep at dinner with everyone.  I had fun playing with the other kids at church and the girls said I was very happy. I took a couple of steps to daddy today,  but then fell down!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

We love biking!

Swim class is going great, I can swim a little ways without any help. We went to grandma's on Tuesday because mama had to work. We stayed a couple of nights there because mama had some rental repairs to do and had to work again on Thursday. I was a good boy and had fun with my friends. We stayed with papa while mama went to the rental, then after nap and grandma got done working, we went to the park and played. We went to home depot to get a few more things for the rental, then went out for a burger and fries. It was delicious, and I ate a lot! I helped papa mow the lawn after nap on Thursday, then we got home pretty late that night because mama worked late.  Mama went to miss Tami's house to make some meals to put in the freezer, but Bella and I stayed at home with daddy because we hadn't seen him for a few days. It was in the 80s all weekend, and we played outside a bunch. We went down to the Greenway bike path to ride my bike early on Saturday morning. Daddy carried Bella in the back pack and mama ran next to me. I got really good at using my breaks on the downhill but the uphill was pretty hard for me. We stopped and had a snack, and I used my Camelback for water. We went to church on Sunday morning and I had fun in my bible school. When we got home, we loaded the bikes and went back to the Greenway for another bike ride. Bella rode with mama on her bike, and daddy ran next to me. We had a picnic lunch before we headed home for a nap. I helped daddy burn a brush pile behind the house when I got up. Then I looked for lizards while mama weeded the bank in the back yard.

I was a good girl and enjoyed playing with my cousins at grandma's house. I gave papa smooches and grandma snuggles. I had fun at the park and really enjoyed the swings. Mama got us a driving cart at home depot and I got to drive. Every time I turned the wheel I would laugh and then clap for myself. I was excited to see my daddy on Friday morning. Jace got into the pack and play with me to play and I thought it was fun! I had so much fun in the pack with daddy and on the bike ride with mama. Whenever mama rode fast, I would giggle and I had a smile the entire time. I went to a new room with some older babies at church and I had fun playing with them and the toys in there. Jace gave me a ride on his four wheeler, but mama had to help hold me on. I loved it and cried when I had to get off.

Monday, April 13, 2015

We have baby chicks!

I started a new swim class this week at the YMCA. The pool is colder, but I'm learning lots in the class. Daddy and mama finished the chicken coop and the box for the baby chicks. The weather has been very sunny, so I have been playing in the dirt and riding my four wheeler. Mama worked in grants pass  one day and we stayed home and spent the day with daddy. On Saturday we went and got all of the supplies for the chicks and also brought home 10 baby chicks. They were only 2 days old and soft and fuzzy. We couldn't hold them for a bit until they got used to their new home. They are really cute and cheep really loud. We walked out to get the mail, and I pushed the stroller a little ways all by myself.

I still have a runny nose, but I am a happy camper! Mama put me out in the grass to explore, but I don't like the feel of it too much. Daddy hung my swing out by the chicken coop so I could swing and watch them work. I giggle a whole bunch when I swing high. I fell and skinned my nose on the carpet, but I didn't cry too much. I like to look at the baby chicks but when I scream because I'm excited, it scares them. One day I was in the stroller watching mama do some weeding and I fell asleep before she put me to bed, so I took my nap outside. I can give really big kisses now! When Jace is riding his bike or four wheeler, he stops and puts his helmet on top of his head and comes to see me for a smooch:)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter!

Daddy had to work on Friday and we went to town for some groceries. It warmed up while we were there, so we played outside after nap. We walked to get the mail and I found a big rock to throw into the creek. Saturday morning I was not behaving very well, so mama decided to take away one of my toys every time I got a time out. I was very upset, but I still wasn't listening. I got 6 toys taken away before nap. We went outside when I got up and mama found me a climbing rope like Diego has. She tied it to a tree and I used it to climb up the hill. While daddy and mama stacked wood in the wood shed, I moved my slide to the retaining wall and jumped off onto the slide. I told them to come watch and they wouldn't let me do it again, they said it was too dangerous. I thought it was really fun though! Easter morning I woke up early to see if the Easter bunny came. He hid my basket and I found it right away. I got an Easter book, sidewalk chalk,  bubbles,  flip flops, fish crackers and some animal crackers. Bella and I both got a sand pail and shovel too. Bampa and lala got me my very own camelback backpack for hiking and biking. I wore it all morning while I helped mama pack and make rolls to take to uncle Nick and aunt Lori's house. We left an hour late, but we headed to Roseburg for a few days. Bella and I napped on the way there, and they waited for me to have the Easter egg hunt. I found 19 eggs and they all had candy in them. We had yummy chicken, Mac and cheese, salad and rolls. We had homemade ice cream and dirt cake for dessert. After lunch mama and I dropped Bella and grandma off at grandma's house for a nap and we went to the wildlife safari to meet some of mama's friends there. I was so excited to go there and it was a special trip because we got to feed the elephants, see the lions and lion cubs up close and get our picture taken with a cheetah. The mama lion roared at me and scared me, but I think my favorite was feeding the elephant. Mama's friend miss Kate and miss Kim were there and miss Kate took some good pictures for us. We went straight to grandma's so mama could feed Bella and then went back to uncle Nick's for dinner left overs. I was excited to spend the night at grandma's house that night.


My nose is still running like a faucet, and I don't like it when mama wipes it! I slept during our grocery trip and went outside with mama after lunch. I still am enjoying the pack and play when we are outside,  I like to throw all of my toys out of it now,  I think it is funny. Daddy and mama almost have the chicken coop ready for chickens.  I woke up early on Easter too,  and was excited about my Easter basket that Jace found for me. I shook the eggs and they had cheerios and puffs in them. I loved my books and stuffed duck too.  Bampa and lala got me two new Easter dresses and mama put one on me to go to uncle Nick and aunt Lori's.  She thought she could keep me awake until we got in the car to leave, but I started to fall asleep in the clothes that I pulled out of the laundry basket. She decided to put me in my car seat a little early so that I could get a good nap. I tried waking Jace up in the car by screaming, but he didn't seem to mind. Papa found me an egg to shake and play with during the egg hunt. I got lots of attention and Shea fed me my lunch. I had a hard time crawling with my dress, so I had to bear crawl instead. I took a big nap at grandma's and chased the dog in the walker at uncle Nick's after dinner.