Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Bampa's visit!

I woke bampa up real early on Wednesday morning and ran around the house like a crazy boy showing off for bampa.  Daddy made breakfast and did everything for Bella and I because mama had a fever and still didn't feel well.  I went outside and played with bampa and daddy until nap.  I showed him how I ride my bike and my four wheeler.  While I was napping,  they went and got our fire engine to put in the driveway so we could charge the battery and work on it. Mama was out of bed for a couple of hours and had dinner with us, then back to bed when we went.  I had bampa read me a story before bed and then he gave me a piggy back ride to bed! The next morning daddy had a meeting in Medford and Bella and I had pictures at penny's.  We gave hugs and love to bampa because he was headed to California to see family and friends. Pictures went ok, but mama was in a hurry get back home because she still didn't feel well. I watched finding Nemo with mama while daddy took Bella to swim.  Daddy worked on the garden shed on Friday and mama went to the Dr. I walked up to the neighbor's house with daddy because they were having an estate sale,  then came home for nap.  Daddy had to go back to work on Saturday,  so papa came to visit and play with Bella and I so mama could get better. He played baseball with me, I rode my bike and we walked up to the estate sale again with papa.  It was really warm and sunny,  I was hoping mama would fill up my pool, but she said it is way too cold for that. I showed papa the fire engine, and I scared him when I pulled the air horn. He had dinner with us and then went home to see grandma. Sunday was another sunny day,  and mama was still coughing but feeling much better. I helped her rake the leaves out of the garden and the strawberry bushes. I found a carrot in the garden and I washed it and ate it. I played in my sand box and helped daddy burn a big brush pile. Mama was supposed to work in Roseburg on Monday, but her cough still sounded horrible so she called in sick.  I was a naughty boy on Monday. I didn't listen very well, I threw a rock at mama, and I hit her because I was mad. I went to bed with no books, no songs,  and no toys in the tub. Tuesday morning we played inside and mama felt crummy again. We read books and put puzzles together. Then when daddy got home I watched a movie with him while mama and Bella slept.  I played outside a bit after nap, then I went to a promotional ceremony with daddy and then we went out for a burrito after. It was time for bed when we got home.

I liked to stare at bampa,  his glasses and mustache are very interesting. I let him hold me and gave him lots of smiles. I watched he and daddy wash his car from the pack and play and daddy even let me help wash his. I got soaked,  but it was fun! I was not very photogenic for pictures on Thursday, but we got a couple of good ones. I did well at swim with daddy on Thursday,  he was proud of me! I had fun spending a few days with daddy, but I think my squealing gave him a headache. I got lots of snuggles from papa on Saturday, and he fed me my lunch. We played outside and he gave me a wagon ride around the driveway.  Every time he stopped, I would move forward and backwards to keep going and if he didn't I would start to cry. So we went on lots and lots of wagon rides, I had fun! My bikini that miss Amber got me fits and now I look like mama:) I love being in the sunshine,  but I don't love wearing a hat.  It fact it makes me very angry when mama makes me wear it. On Tuesday,  mama have me a bath in the afternoon and I went with her back to the Dr while daddy and Jace went to a ceremony. I was a very good girl while they checked mama out and they told her she has a sinus infection.  We waited at the pharmacy and got her some antibiotics to make her feel better.

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