Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring has sprung!

Sunday morning I woke up early and woke up lala too.  She came in my room and we snuggled on my chair.  Grace and I played and built legos when we got up. Bampa, lala,  auntie Leanne and Grace all left to go home after breakfast.  We had a very lazy and relaxing day.  When Bella went down for nap,  we watched one of my new movies Cars. Daddy helped me put my new lego set together,  it was a fire truck and station.  I tried on my new turnouts and pretended to go on some calls. Mama read me my new books and I played with all my new gifts.  We had another laid back day on Monday,  then mama went back to work on Tuesday.  Bella and I went to grandma's house and we had fun playing with our friends.  It was a beautiful day on Wednesday,  so we played outside most of the day. After nap we went to the Rogers' house to work on an Easter craft and have dinner.  Mr Allan took Maren and I on an adventure and we came back covered with mud and soaking wet. We got in the tub and ate a yummy dinner before heading home for bed. We played and worked outside all day Thursday,  we hiked up the hill in the morning and found a log to sit and rest in the sun, then I helped daddy rake rock in the driveway. I helped mama do chores in the house on Friday morning, then we headed to Roseburg at nap time because mama was on call for the weekend.  When we got to grandma's,  my friends were there and we walked to the water structure to catch poly wogs. Mama caught me some and we all let them go before walking back to grandma's.

I had fun playing with legos on Sunday too,  and I gave everyone big snuggles before they went home. I enjoyed our lazy days, but that didn't keep me quiet!  I had a couple of rough nights because I have more teeth coming in. Mama put me in Maren's swing on the porch and I had so much fun swinging.  I laughed and laughed the whole time I was in there. Jace and I both have a runny nose now, but mama feels much better.  I enjoyed our walks outside and watching daddy and mama work outside from my pack and play.  I was so excited to see my cousins and watch all of the kiddos catch poly wogs.  I wore my papa shirt and I like to say papa and give him snuggles on his shoulder.  I played on the back patio in a tent with Shea and in the swing.  Grandma read some really funny stories before bed that night!

The Birthday Boy Turns 3!

Lala came just in time to take Bella to swim so mama could stay home and rest. Daddy and I went along so she would know where to go. Bella did really well at swim and got a certificate because it was her last class.  We brought dinner home so mama didn't have to cook.  We all went to bed to rest up for my birthday. Mama sang happy birthday to me as soon as she heard me come out of my room in the morning.  I went in and said good morning to lala, then I watched Dora.  Mama said I could have any special breakfast that I wanted, and I chose oatmeal with blueberries. Lala helped mama do a bunch more chores before my birthday party and we went to the store to get some last minute things too. I played outside a bunch, and bampa came and had lunch with us before my nap.  I played outside with bampa and lala and went for a walk too.  I helped mama make my birthday cake and I had a small piece after eating a good dinner.  Saturday morning,  everyone was busy getting things ready for my birthday party.  Daddy and bampa worked outside while lala made a fruit salad and mama decorated my firetruck cake. I went to town with Lala after breakfast to get a few more things. We played outside until lunch and then I took a pretty good nap before my party started. It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day, and we all played outside. Daddy set up an obstacle course for us to do and I went first. I put my turnouts on, went down my slide, crawled through a tunnel, climbed up the hill with a rope, drug stuffed moose across the tarp, climbed a ladder to save a stuffed kitty from the tree and to end we got to climb into the fire engine and pull the air horn. We all had so much fun and then we did a bucket brigade, which ended in a water fight. Grandma and I soaked each other! I did a happy dance when it was time to open my presents, and then daddy took us all on a ride on the fire engine. The last thing was my favorite, and that was when I got to blow out my candles and eat cake and ice cream. I got some really cool gifts and some money for my piggy bank. I didn't want the day to end but my friends went home and auntie Leanne gave Grace and I a bath. Bampa, lala and daddy did cleanup outside and we were all very tired at bedtime. It was a great party and I was excited that bampa, lala, auntie Leanne and Grace were spending the night.

I was so excited that lala took me to swim. I showed her how I splash, kick and hold my breath when I go under water. I think she was impressed:) I even got a tub toy and a certificate because it was my last class. The next morning lala fed me breakfast and then I helped her fold some laundry. I slept during the shopping trip and went outside with lala while Jace and mama napped. I got lots of snuggles from bampa after my bath. Saturday was busy, and I took an early nap because I woke up so early. Lala took me for a walk and I watched her hang some decorations outside. When I woke up from my afternoon nap there were lots of people here and the party had started without me. I had fun watching the kids play and I clapped for them. Auntie Lori fed me dinner and snuggled me until I got sleepy, then grandma gave me a bath. I was ready for bed when mama came inside. She put me to bed in the pack and play in her closet so that auntie Leanne and Grace could sleep in my room. I was super sleepy and didn't mind a bit!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mama's still sick!

When I finally got up at 8:30 on Wednesday morning,  mama's friend miss Tami and baby Maddox were at our house.  She came over to make mama,  Bella and I breakfast because mama still is sick and daddy went to work.  After breakfast,  Miss Tami took me to her house to play with Maren,  we stayed there with her daddy while miss Tami went back to play with Bella and take care of mama. We played outside and jumped and fell in mud puddles and had lots of fun playing,  but we were like pigs in mud.  We changed our clothes, ate some soup and went down for a nap.  We played in their hot pool after nap and that was really fun too.  Miss Tami came back after she put Bella down for her nap at home and I stayed for dinner and bath time at their house.  Then Mr Allan took me home all ready for bed, and mama read me a story and tucked me in. Thursday morning after breakfast,  we built towers and knocked them over and built fun things with legos.  I got several time outs and I told mama I was ready for a snack and a nap. So Bella and I took a nap at the same time so mama could rest too. We were on the front porch eating lunch when daddy got home from his bike ride.  I helped him wash his bike and unload his car. We played outside all afternoon until we had to leave for Bella's swim lesson.  Daddy and I got the oil changed in the jeep while mama took Bella to swim.  Friday while Bella was napping mama started a school program on her Kindle and she helped me do some school.  I really like doing it and I'm learning the sounds of all of the letters.  It was another sunny day,  so we played outside in the afternoon.  Saturday morning we went to town to run some errands,  I went into home depot with daddy while mama and Bella sat in the car. It was a rainy day so we played inside in the afternoon.  On Sunday, daddy played with us while mama made Kenzi a purse for her birthday. Then after nap we headed for Roseburg.  First we went to Costco to get some things and we picked grandma up from work,  then we went to Kenzi's birthday party.  I had fun dressing up in all of Wyatt's stuff from their playroom.  I ate a taco and had some cake and ice cream. I liked singing happy birthday too.  After she opened her presents we went home.  Daddy worked on Monday and mama, Bella and I walked out to get the mail. She let me jump in all of the puddles and I got a little wet. We kept the Rogers dog Max over the weekend and mama thought maybe she should let Alli out to play with her. That was a bad idea because the two dogs ran off and didn't come home until the middle of the night. Miss Tami came to get Max the next morning and I played with Maren for a bit. Mama had been on her new medicine for a week and still wasn't better,  so she went back to the Dr to find out she has pneumonia.  They gave her more medicine and told her to rest. Grandma came to the rescue on Wednesday when daddy had to work. She played baseball with me outside and we had races down the driveway.  She played with us and cooked so mama could get some sleep.  She even cleaned for mama while we were napping. She was such a big help that mama asked her to stay longer. I snuck into her room at 6:30 and looked at pictures on her phone. She did all of mama's chores while Bella was napping and I played school on mama's Kindle.  She went home when I went down for a nap, and mama said lala would be here when I woke up!


I had lots of fun playing in my room with miss Tami on Wednesday. I showed her all of my toys and talked very loudly to her.  She fed me breakfast and lunch and I gave her lots of smiles. She brought a very small baby with her, but I didn't know what to think of him, and he thought I was very loud:) I did very well at swim again and even swam under water to the instructor and back to mama. I played with Jace inside on Friday and then in my pack and play outside when it got warm and sunny. I got lots of attention on Sunday at Kenzi's birthday party, and slept most of the way home. I enjoyed my walk in the stroller to get the mail and watching Jace jump in the puddles. Grandma gave me rides on Jace's car and I had so much fun, I didn't want to stop. She gave us our baths and I splashed a whole bunch. She fed me my breakfast and let me play in Jace's room while she organized and folded all of his clothes. I helped her take down all of the clothes that were hanging too,  I was a big help! I forgot to mention that I have been sleeping 11.5 to 12 hours at night for mama and I cut another tooth on the bottom left.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Bampa's visit!

I woke bampa up real early on Wednesday morning and ran around the house like a crazy boy showing off for bampa.  Daddy made breakfast and did everything for Bella and I because mama had a fever and still didn't feel well.  I went outside and played with bampa and daddy until nap.  I showed him how I ride my bike and my four wheeler.  While I was napping,  they went and got our fire engine to put in the driveway so we could charge the battery and work on it. Mama was out of bed for a couple of hours and had dinner with us, then back to bed when we went.  I had bampa read me a story before bed and then he gave me a piggy back ride to bed! The next morning daddy had a meeting in Medford and Bella and I had pictures at penny's.  We gave hugs and love to bampa because he was headed to California to see family and friends. Pictures went ok, but mama was in a hurry get back home because she still didn't feel well. I watched finding Nemo with mama while daddy took Bella to swim.  Daddy worked on the garden shed on Friday and mama went to the Dr. I walked up to the neighbor's house with daddy because they were having an estate sale,  then came home for nap.  Daddy had to go back to work on Saturday,  so papa came to visit and play with Bella and I so mama could get better. He played baseball with me, I rode my bike and we walked up to the estate sale again with papa.  It was really warm and sunny,  I was hoping mama would fill up my pool, but she said it is way too cold for that. I showed papa the fire engine, and I scared him when I pulled the air horn. He had dinner with us and then went home to see grandma. Sunday was another sunny day,  and mama was still coughing but feeling much better. I helped her rake the leaves out of the garden and the strawberry bushes. I found a carrot in the garden and I washed it and ate it. I played in my sand box and helped daddy burn a big brush pile. Mama was supposed to work in Roseburg on Monday, but her cough still sounded horrible so she called in sick.  I was a naughty boy on Monday. I didn't listen very well, I threw a rock at mama, and I hit her because I was mad. I went to bed with no books, no songs,  and no toys in the tub. Tuesday morning we played inside and mama felt crummy again. We read books and put puzzles together. Then when daddy got home I watched a movie with him while mama and Bella slept.  I played outside a bit after nap, then I went to a promotional ceremony with daddy and then we went out for a burrito after. It was time for bed when we got home.

I liked to stare at bampa,  his glasses and mustache are very interesting. I let him hold me and gave him lots of smiles. I watched he and daddy wash his car from the pack and play and daddy even let me help wash his. I got soaked,  but it was fun! I was not very photogenic for pictures on Thursday, but we got a couple of good ones. I did well at swim with daddy on Thursday,  he was proud of me! I had fun spending a few days with daddy, but I think my squealing gave him a headache. I got lots of snuggles from papa on Saturday, and he fed me my lunch. We played outside and he gave me a wagon ride around the driveway.  Every time he stopped, I would move forward and backwards to keep going and if he didn't I would start to cry. So we went on lots and lots of wagon rides, I had fun! My bikini that miss Amber got me fits and now I look like mama:) I love being in the sunshine,  but I don't love wearing a hat.  It fact it makes me very angry when mama makes me wear it. On Tuesday,  mama have me a bath in the afternoon and I went with her back to the Dr while daddy and Jace went to a ceremony. I was a very good girl while they checked mama out and they told her she has a sinus infection.  We waited at the pharmacy and got her some antibiotics to make her feel better.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sunny and Beautiful! Is it spring yet?

We all stayed home and worked around the house on Wednesday and it was beautiful and sunny. Daddy and mama worked on flattening the rock piles by shoveling and raking and I had fun sledding down them and playing king of the mountain. It was a fun morning and a picnic lunch on the porch. After my 3 hour nap we went to see my friend Maren. Because we were sick and she has a new baby brother, we haven't seen them in a long time. I was so excited to see her, we played outside on her swing, teeter totter, sand box and chased each other around the yard. We went inside and played her really fun candy land shapes and colors game and had a snack. I didn't want to go, but we headed home for dinner with daddy. Mama and I played outside the next day too while Bella napped. Mama taught my how to pop a wheelie with my four wheeler. I was so proud of myself until I flipped it over on top of myself. I cried a little because it scared me, but I didn't get hurt. That night I went to kids zone while mama took Bella to swim,  I had fun jumping in the colorful balls.  We worked and played outside again on Friday and Saturday was a big day. First I helped mama make some banana muffins, next ate breakfast and got dressed.  Mama took us to the park to meet miss Tami,  Maren and Maddox. Maren and I rode our bikes a really long way, and our mamas were proud of us. When we got back to the park we fed the ducks and geese some popcorn then we had a picnic. After lunch Maren and I tried to climb a tree, but we had to have mama's help to sit in it. Then we headed for home for a nap. When I woke up we got showered and drove to Costco in Medford and then to the fire station to see daddy. We ate yummy hamburgers there and mama brought dessert with ice cream. Sunday morning we worked on chores around the house. The sun was almost gone by the time I woke up from my nap, so I only played outside for a bit with my daddy. Mama went for a hike and dinner with the girls from the gym. Mama worked in Roseburg on Monday and Bella and I went to papa and grandma's. I had fun playing with my friends and we played outside a bunch too. Mama came home feeling sick so we spent the night at grandma's and mama went to bed when we did. She felt a little better on Tuesday, so we went home. We played outside and bampa came to see us!

I really like playing outside in my pack and play where I can see what everyone is doing. Swim class is going extremely well for me, I put my headed under, kick with both feet and have lots of smiles during class. I follow Jace around the house everywhere he goes. He found one of his old toys in my closet that daddy used to play with when he was a baby.  It is a horse on wheels, and Jace pulls me around the kitchen and I laugh a whole bunch. I especially like playing in his room. I eat everything my mama and daddy feed me and a lot of it! On Friday, I had my 9 month checkup with Dr Marshak.  I weighed in at 19 pounds and was in the 50th to 75th percentile for head weight and length. The Dr gave me a new book, Jace says he is going to read it to me. I had fun on our walk at the park,  I was in the stroller watching the kiddos ride their bikes. I did fall asleep on the walk back and mama gave me snacks during our picnic. I was very smiley at the fire station and also very loud. More outside time on Sunday and then fun times at grandma's house on Monday!