Monday, February 2, 2015

Silly Kids!

We spent the day with daddy last Tuesday while mama went to work.  We played with puzzles and legos and read books.  After my nap,  papa and grandma came to visit.  Grandma just got home from Pennsylvania.  We played until it was time to go to swim,  they came and watched that too. It was beautiful and sunny on Wednesday and Thursday, so I played outside while daddy and mama built Alli a dog house.  I rode my bike and four wheeler a bunch. My friend Maren came over on Friday while miss Tami went to the hospital to have baby Maddox. We built blocks,  played doctor,  put puzzles together and watched the beginning of Frozen. We didn't fight and we had lots of fun. Maren's daddy came to get Maren while I was napping,  so she could go meet her new baby brother. Daddy and mama almost got the dog house finished on Saturday,  but daddy had a bunch more chores to do outside too.  Daddy had to go back to work on Sunday,  we stayed home and caught up on inside chores because it was raining.

I am crawling much better on my hands and knees now,  but I have the three new teeth coming through all at the same time.  I have been a little cranky lately,  but I like to chew on everything.  I really like to pull myself up on the coffee table, but mama tells me no. I don't like that word and if anyone says it to me, my lower lip sticks out and I start to cry. Jace and Maren played and jumped with me and I was a happy girl. Maren even held my hand and I thought it was really silly. Jace fed me my cereal on Sunday morning,  I squealed and smiled a lot. We made big messes for mama to clean up, but it was fun. I enjoy my bath time so much that I cry when I have to get out. At bedtime when mama goes in to tuck Jace in and say prayers, I like to crawl down the hall and find them. I try to climb into his crib with him and I also like to snuggle his stuffed moose.

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