Sunday, October 26, 2014

The joys of cutting teeth!

Last Monday mama went to the gym and Bella and I went in the play room there with miss Corrie.  There were three other boys around my age and we had so much fun running,  jumping and throwing balls.  After mama was done,  she took us to kinder gym so I could work it out. Miss Tami and Maren met us there. We jumped on the trampoline,  jumped into a huge foam pit and crawled through a huge Maze of tunnels. Next we went home for lunch and nap.  Miss Tami and mama were planning to get some projects done.  When we woke up, Maren and I watched the movie toy story and ate a huge bowl of popcorn. Mama worked on Tuesday,  so we spent the day at grandma's house.  We even got to spend the night there. The next day, mama,  Bella and I drove to Eugene to visit mama's friend miss Chelsea and her twins Jett and Job. I was a good boy, so after the babies ate, we visited Marchello at the fire station. I got to see fire engines and ambulances there. They gave me a toy fire truck too.  We headed for home and made it home by dinner time.  Daddy came home on Thursday and a couple of his friends came to cut up some firewood.  Mama and I made muffins and took them a morning snack. It was raining so we didn't stay up there long. Daddy and I played in the afternoon because I missed him the past few days.  We rode the four wheeler up the hill to check the burn pile that he started.  Mama worked again on Friday,  but my cousins were sick so we had grandma all to ourselves.  Grandma came home with us on Friday night so she could watch us on Saturday while daddy and mama went to a Halloween party. Bella and I stayed at home with daddy on Saturday morning so that grandma and mama could workout.  Mama and daddy looked really silly when they got ready for the party.  Sunday, Grandma and daddy headed for Roseburg after breakfast, daddy went hunting with papa and grandma just went home. Mama and I  built really tall towers with my blocks and then took turns knocking them over.

Well...I cut my second tooth and mama noticed it on Monday morning, she couldn't figure out why I was so cranky since my first tooth was already through. I enjoyed all of the attention at the gym while mama worked out. The boys all took turns holding me and miss Corrie talked to me a lot. I also had fun watching Jace and Maren play at kinder gym, but when we got home I was pretty clingy. I made it difficult for mama and miss Tami to get projects done. I was good for grandma on Tuesday, my cousins were entertaining. I woke up early on Wednesday morning but took a big nap on the way to Eugene. I was very happy and liked seeing the other babies. I was excited to get out of my car seat when we finally got home on Wednesday night. I watched Jace and mama make muffins on Thursday morning and gave daddy lots of smiles and laughs when he came inside. I got lots of snuggles from grandma on Friday and the rest of the weekend. She fed me some cereal on Sunday and more stayed in my mouth than what came out, I liked it a lot. I even opened my mouth every time she got me another bite!

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