Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Snow fun at grammy and pappy's!

Mama, Aunt Linda and I went out to play in the snow after my nap on Saturday. I didn't want to go back inside, not even for hot cocoa. Aunt Linda got me a remote control car, and I had lots of fun running it around in the house. I made up to grammy right away, but it took me until Sunday morning to warm up to pappy, but once I did I always wanted to know where he was. I even sat on his lap and watched some tractors on TV. On Sunday, Aunt Lori's family came over to visit, and Danny, Kayla, mama and I all went out into the snow to play. Danny pushed me a lot because mama was tired from our morning outing into the snow. Mama thought she would give me a push on the sled and get it on video, but I stayed on top of the snow and kept going. When I started to pick up speed down the hill, she dropped the camera and started running down the hill after me. She wasn't quite fast enough, because at the same time that I launched off of a snow pile into the driveway, so did she and she crashed harder than I did in the driveway. I looked at her and said "fun mama, more" then I saw that she was still laying in the road and I said "Mama crashed". On Monday, mama and I went to great grandma's to pick up papa then we went out for lunch. Aunt Tammie came back to grammy and pappy's to visit after lunch. She got me a new truck and a phone that I played with. When I was hungry she got me a snack and sat at the table with me while I ate it. That night, I ate a big dinner and shared a bowl of cereal with Aunt Linda for dessert. We had to get up really early on Tuesday for our plane trip home.

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