Monday, December 30, 2013
2013 comes to an end.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
I'm going to have a baby sister!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
I love Christmas!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Christmas presents!
On Tuesday, I got to open my Christmas presents from Bampa and Lala. I got an easel that is for markers on one side and chalk on the other. The marker side is also a magnet for letters and numbers that came with it. I had the most fun with the markers, until I got in trouble for using them on the wrong side. Lala also made me two new cozy flannel sleep sacks. One has trucks, and the other has jungle animals. Bampa and Lala had to head home on Wednesday morning. I said goodbye to them and waved out the window as they left, but when I woke up from my nap, I still hollered for Lala. Mama and I went to Medford to go Costco shopping, and visited daddy at the fire station. I was a good boy at both places, then we headed home. Mama's friend Tami came over to work on Christmas baskets with mama. Later Maren and her daddy came over too. I had fun playing with Maren. On Thursday, daddy and mama took me to a class called kinder music. There were lots of kids there and we sang songs about snow, danced and played music. Friday daddy and mama had to work and I spent the day with papa and grandma. We went up to uncle Nick's so I could play with my cousins for a while in between naps.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Sledding fun!
We went to a cabin on Hyatt lake this weekend with the Rogers family. I had fun playing with Maren and reading books on Saturday. Sunday morning after breakfast, we headed to the sledding hill. It was beautiful and sunny and we had the entire hill to ourselves for a while. I went down the hill with daddy a lot and mama a couple of times. On the ride down, I kept saying woohoo! There was a shelter with a wood stove in it right by the sledding hill. We went in to have snacks and get warm. We headed for home after lunch, and when we got home found that a bunch of snow melted while we were gone. Bampa and Lala came to visit after we got home, and we went for dinner. Today mama had to work, so I spent the morning playing and reading with Lala. After nap, Lala and I went to mama's work to have lunch with her. Then we went grocery shopping and went home for nap. I was being very silly when I woke up, running around the living room showing off for Bampa and Lala.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Cold, cold, cold
Ok, now that we have had our fun in the snow it can go away anytime. It has been too cold the last several days to go outside and play. One morning we didn't even have water because a pipe froze out in the well house, it was only 7°. Daddy borrowed the neighbors heater and fixed the problem when he came home from work. Yesterday was sunny and supposed to get to above freezing for the first time in a week, so we went for a walk to get the mail. Mama and I still layered and wore snow boots, but it was frigid. I had my hands in my pockets most of the time, it only was 24° when mama checked the temperature. After a few times down the slide, we headed inside for some hot cocoa, and to warm up. Hot cocoa is now my favorite thing!
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Snow fun!
On Wednesday mama got called off of work, so grandma and papa came to visit. Papa built us a wood box, and we stayed inside where it was warm most of the day. We did go out to play for a bit, but the puddle I like to jump in was frozen! It was cold all week, but I went out to help daddy get firewood on Thursday to fill our new wood box. Yesterday I stayed home with daddy while mama worked. We had a fun day, it snowed a lot before mama got home. When she came home, we got all bundled up and headed out to play. We went sled riding and rode the four wheeler. It was cold, so it wasn't long before we came inside for hot cocoa. This morning was Christmas tree cutting day. We went up to the snow with friends and had a great day. The snow where we went was up to my chest, but my friend Maren and I had fun playing in the packed snow close by the fire. I powered through all day without a nap, but as soon as we got in the truck to head home, I was snoring. Mama and daddy put a tree in the back of the truck to bring home, I thought that was funny.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Potty time!
On Friday, Lala and mama went shopping and I stayed in bed with daddy. After nap bampa and daddy took me to the park. We had so much fun on the slider bars, I even raced bampa. We got back in time to watch the football game, I liked sitting on a stool a few inches from the TV to watch. I found my cousin's hello kitty boots and walked around the house in them. Saturday morning, we headed for home. Daddy and mama got me some warm milk and I took a big nap. We stopped for a picnic and then again at grandma and papa's. They had lights up on their house and I loved them. Yesterday daddy spent a lot of time hanging hooks for Christmas lights, only to find out that only one string of lights worked. Today miss Tami and Maren came over to work on Christmas projects. We had a fun day! I have been doing pretty good at going to the potty, I try really hard every time I sit on the potty. Then I get a treat!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
On Tuesday daddy, mama, Alli and I headed for bampa and Lala's house to beat the traffic for Thanksgiving. I was so good in the car, we sang, ate snacks and I took a nap too. On Wednesday morning, daddy and auntie Leanne took Grace and I to the pool for a swim. I had so much fun kicking, splashing and blowing bubbles. It was really cold outside, so when we got home mama gave me a sip of her hot cocoa. I immediately got a huge smile on my face and said "more please". After nap we made a Thanksgiving craft, it tickled my toes when mama painted the color on my foot. At bath time, Lala put lots of bubbles in the tub and I liked dipping my face in them to make a bubble beard. I woke up earlier than usual this morning so I took a big nap. Lala made me a turkey shirt, and I was a big hit at the retirement home when we went to pick up great grandpa. I had fun playing with Grace when she came, but I didn't eat a very big dinner even though there was lots of food!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Terrible two a little early!
I'm only 20 months, but mama says I'm acting like a two year old. I have been very challenging for daddy and mama over the last week. Mama and I spent the last few days at papa and grandma's house and had my fair share of time outs there too. One morning at home I found daddy's shoes and wallet at the front door, so I wore the shoes into the kitchen to show them the wallet too. I had fun playing with my cousins at grandma's. Grandma let me have a turn at the learning game on the computer. I snuggled with papa in the evenings, and grandma read me lots of books. I even told papa when I had to go potty, and pooped on the potty for the first time yesterday! Yesterday we had an early Thanksgiving at grandma's. Before dinner I watched football with uncle Nick and then ate a big dinner. After dinner we decorated gingerbread houses, I helped mama until I put too many hard candies in my mouth, then she said I was done. We got home last night, and I was so excited to see daddy this morning when he got home from work.