Saturday, April 18, 2020

Let's Stay Home Sweet Home!

We are getting into a good homeschool routine. We are still doing a lot of cooking, so after breakfast, we do school work for a few hours and then go outside and play for the rest of the day. Daddy and mama have been cutting, burning behind the house and splitting and stacking firewood too. We help some and then catch frogs and lizards and play in the ninja line. We painted rocks to look like Easter eggs and also hid plastic eggs for each other outside. The weather has been great and we have had lots of fires in the fireplace on the patio. We have yummy pizza once a week too! We weren't sure if the Easter bunny had the Corona virus, but I guess he didn't because he came and filled our Easter baskets with goodies. Mama and daddy filled eggs with candy and money and hid them in the yard for us to find. They also got us some fun crafts to do during quarantine:) We got to go pick up my gift that Bella made me for my birthday and I love it! She did a really great job of painting. Daddy cut down a large tree that was leaning over the platform for the zip line, so we could start building our treehouse! Mama hung up some party lights around the pizza oven. Papa and grandma came down and it was good to see them. We stayed outside, but it was really hard to stay 6 feet apart;) Daddy, Papa and mama got the first few walls up and we are excited! We do workouts with dad and mom in the afternoon usually and I'm getting pretty good at pull ups. We have been helping mama get the garden ready and we got a load of garden compost to fill up the boxes. We stopped at the Wiekings while we were in town, we could only say hi from the car, but it was good too see our friends. Miss Audra got me a really cool Lego book so Demian and I can build and share them on video with each other.

I really like watching my teacher's videos for school,I put my headphones on and follow along. My reading is getting so much better because mama has me read for 20 minutes every school day after all my videos and packet is done. I love the warm weather we are having and Jace and I have had a lot of fun playing outside. We have been a really great team with very little fighting. He plays with me in my tent and I help him set up his blind for hunting. I also have been helping make masks for the hospital, we made mostly adult ones and some kid ones too. I painted some beautiful Easter rocks and had fun hiding plastic ones for Jace. The Easter bunny brought me lots of goodies in my Easter basket and hid them behind the blankets in the living room. I was so glad that Jace liked the piggy bank I painted him. I am very excited to start the Treehouse and I'm hoping it is done for my birthday! It was so good to see papa and grandma when they came down, I colored lots of pictures with grandma on the back patio. I kept singing "Hey Brother",  and it got stuck in grandma's head for days😀 I helped pull weeds in the garden and miss Audra got me a beautiful rainbow dress when we stopped by. Jace and I saw a challenge that you attach to each other by the worst and see how long it lasts. We made it until noon!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Long Spring Break!


A couple of days into the first week, the governor cancelled school until April 28, that's 6 weeks before we go back to school. Bella and I like doing home school, but we miss our teachers a lot. Mama's last day of work for a while was on Wednesday and we had a fun day with daddy. We went to the park and metal detected and played football until mama got done with work. I found a penny and a nickel. We are supposed to stay home as much as possible and not be around anyone so the virus doesn't spread. On Friday, my actual birthday, we had smoothies, went to target to spend a gift card and then went on a family bike ride on the Greenway. We had tacos at the park and ice cream at Scoops and More on the way home. Daddy and mama got me a telescope, my own Polaroid camera, some legos and a shirt that was made just for me! Bella and I have been taking turns learning how to cook breakfast and dinner every day, it is so fun! We have also been doing some of my science experiments I got for my birthday. We have been finding bugs and plants outside and learning about them. I write letters to my friends to stay connected and Dem and I challenge each other to Lego building. The weather has been great so we have spent lots of time riding bikes, playing by the creek and on the ninja line. Crossfit had to close too, so we went to borrow some workout equipment while we are home, to workout. Daddy has been doing lots of tree falling, burning and clean up around the property. Bella and I help pick up sticks and fill the wheelbarrow with firewood. Daddy even let us on the roof with him to clean the chimney pipe! We surprised my teacher in the school parking lot with a cupcake and gift for her birthday.

I love being home for school, mama yells less because we are never in a hurry anymore. I love learning how to cook and helping mama clean too. I talked to Mrs.Gallegos on the phone and I do miss her teaching. Mama got us some fun projects like a big block with gems inside that we used a hammer to find them. I'm getting really good at the ninja line and have been working out with mama too! We have even done a few family workouts on the front patio. Jace helped me build a fairy treehouse while daddy and mama burned and we also played in our fort we made. Jace and I have been getting along so well lately with very little fighting. Daddy and mama are so proud of us. When we make each other breakfast or dinner, we serve the other one by saying "your breakfast is served your majesty!" One day we made homemade soup, homemade rolls and homemade butter. We both had to knead the bread and we took turns shaking a jar with heavy whipping cream to make butter. That dinner was so delicious! After the official spring break week, my teacher made videos of her teaching that I got to watch on tv, it was fun! Daddy has been working so much, I want him to stay home with us too, but he has to work. I have been playing with our chickens a lot and even named my favorite one Fluff, she likes it when I snuggle her.