Saturday, March 31, 2018

Ninja Jace turns 6!

I turned six and had the best ninja birthday ever! Mama did some ninja training for all of us at my party and there were lots of obstacle courses, zip lining, and a hotdog roast with homemade chili and Mac and cheese! The zip line and ninja structure turned out awesome, and it was a beautiful day too! Mama brought cupcakes to school on my actual birthday to celebrate with my classmates and then we went to the bmx track and out for ice cream that night! The weekend after my birthday we went to Bampa and lala's and celebrated some more:) They got me a slack line and we even tried it out at auntie Leanne's house. On our way home daddy and mama surprised us by stopping at the enchanted forest. We walked through everything, watched a show and went on all of the rides, it was a blast!

One of the games at Jace's birthday party was to throw a ninja star to pop a balloon and I popped one on my first throw! The zip line is so much fun and the rings are fun to swing on too. I went on the bmx track for the first time on my strider and I loved it! We had fun with Bampa and lala, auntie Leanne and Grace. I even got to bottle feed a calf they had named Wyatt:) I had so much fun at the enchanted forest, but there were a few scary places I didn't like. I did love all of the rides though!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Together is the Best Place to Be!

This month was busy, daddy and mama started building a ninja structure just below our house, mama was on call in Roseburg and daddy took me to the monster trucks! My favorite part of the monster trucks was the motorcycle that jumped and did a back flip, it was awesome! We also went out to a yummy dinner after the show. We had Dr Suess week at school and we got to dress up crazy all week and even ate green eggs and ham. I love green eggs and ham, Jace I am!

I helped mama paint the bottoms of the posts for the ninja structure and went exploring with grandma while papa, daddy and mama installed a zip line that we got Jace for his birthday. Mama and I went to Kenzi's birthday party, while the boys went to the monster trucks. Then I got to go to a promotion ceremony with daddy and then the father daughter dance. We went out to dinner first, but I still ate lots of fruit at the dance and played with balloons too.