While daddy was gone hunting, we had a sleep over at Maren's house. Our mama's worked on projects and we played and had a great time! Demian's daddy was hunting too, so they came and had a slumber party at our house. We sure didn't sleep much that week, but had fun! Miss Audra took some pictures of us for Christmas cards and mama made me 2 new sweatshirts. We built a gingerbread train and decorated it and the girls made ornaments. Mama worked 2 days and we went to papa and grandma's. We were excited to see daddy when he got home. He had to work on thanksgiving, but mama made pizzas and we went to the fire station for dinner. I didn't feel well after dinner and had a fever so we headed home. I was feeling better by the weekend, so we went to the tree lighting and the annual Christmas tree cutting trip in the snow!
I had lots of fun playing dress up at miss Tami's house. Slumber parties are a lot of fun, but I don't sleep as well. I enjoyed building a house with Christmas decor at grandma's. She had surgery on her knee, and it still has an owie. I missed daddy a lot and was so happy when he came home. Mama made us special turkey toast for breakfast on thanksgiving. I wore my turkey dress that I got from cousin Grace and Jace and mama made him a turkey shirt to wear. Mama made me a pretty Christmas dress too that is warm and cozy. I had fun helping decorate for Christmas and in the snow, picking out our Christmas tree. Daddy helped make me a snow fort too!