September was a busy month with canning pears, tomatoes and freezing corn and spaghetti sauce, but now our pantry and freezer is filled with yummy fresh food! Maren and I harvested some corn and tomatoes while our moms canned pears, and we even ate some raw corn at grandma's before they cooked and cut it off the cob:) Bella and I painted pasta for bracelets and played super hero's a lot while daddy and mama were busy. For their anniversary, we went to a cabin at Hyatt lake and went paddle boarding and fishing and got introduced to Saturday morning cartoons of Tom and Jerry. It was cracking us up! We had a nice hike, played at the playground and had a picnic while we were there. It was still warm outside,so we didn't wear much while daddy and mama reroofed the wood shed and painted it.
I loved the fresh pears, corn and most of all mama's homemade tomato soup with fresh tomatoes (actually it's the grilled cheese that I love, but I tell mama it is her soup;) I love when Ryne and baby paisley come over to play, because I like being bigger than someone. I play peek a boo with her and make her laugh. One day while I was running around outside naked, I got stung by a bee right in the bum! It hurt really bad and mama had to pull the stinger out. We didn't have much luck fishing at the lake, but we sure did have fun! I'm finally entertaining the idea of peeing on the potty again.