Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A visit to the fire station to see daddy!

We went to a place to pick some apples with miss Tami and Maren on Wednesday morning.  Maren and I ate a lot of apples and threw a bunch too.  After our buckets were full, we headed home to do some canning.  Maren and I played in the yard while mama and miss Tami canned apple pie filling and made some applesauce.  It was a full day,  and they didn't get as much done as they wanted because of us kids.  Thursday was a relaxing day at home,  I helped mama pick tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden. Friday,  mama told me if I was a good boy that we could go visit daddy at the fire station! I was so excited,  I put my turnouts on and played firefighter at the house.  We put Bella on a blanket ob the floor to do some tummy time, and I showed her how to roll over again.  She still couldn't do it, but at least she knows how by watching me. We headed to Medford after my nap to do some grocery shopping before we went to the fire station.  I was so excited to ride on the golf cart they have there and look at the fire trucks.  Daddy and I played outside while mama made pizzas for dinner.  As soon as I ate all of my pizza I wanted to go back outside.  I broke my play helmet,  so I had to wear daddy's.  Daddy had the next 4 days off,  and we had some good days at home. Bella and I got a cold and had trouble sleeping,  but we went to Saturday market and to the gym for daddy and mama to work it out.

I was a good girl for Apple picking but when mama was peeling and cutting up apples, I wanted to be held.  I am getting a lot stronger and get new rolls every day. Jace likes to show me how to roll over and even helps me sometimes but I all can't do it by myself.  It is fun watching him do it though.  I smile and giggle at anyone that talks to me. I was a little angel at the fire station, but then I got the sniffles again and was cranky for a few days.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lions and Tigers and Bears...oh my!

Sunday morning we got all packed up and headed to the animal game park right after breakfast.  There were lots of goats,  deer,  llamas and a donkey all running around that we could pet and feed. I was a little scared at first,  but after our food was gone they weren't as pesky.  I saw many animals and even got to pet a baby lion,  tiger and bear. I also pet a baby fox and saw some big gorillas.  When I said hi to the gorilla he stuck his tongue out at me. After we saw all of the animals,  we had lunch, ice cream and headed home. It was a fun filled weekend and I slept most of the way home. Daddy and mama had to work on Monday,  but I woke up before mama wanted me to.  She usually wakes me up just before we leave.  Instead I offered to read the book Sheep in a Jeep to Bella while mama packed the car. I was a bit cranky in the morning,  but I had fun playing with my cousins in the afternoon.  We spent the night at papa and grandma's because mama was too sleepy to drive home.  


There were a few goats that tried climbing up into the stroller to see me, but mama kept swatting them away! I was awake and smiley for a while and then I fell asleep. Monday morning mama put me in the car seat after I ate, but instead of going back to sleep I enjoyed listening to Jace read to me. I gave him lots of smiles until we left. I was a happy baby in the morning and then got cranky in the afternoon when all of the other kids were sleeping.  Grandma gave in and fed me a little early.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Life's a Beach!

Friday morning daddy and mama packed the truck full of camping supplies and we headed for the coast after lunch.  They were hoping that I would sleep on the way there, but I was to excited. Of course,  I fell asleep 10 minutes before we got there.  We got some fish in Bandon, and went to the campground. We set our tent up in papa and grandma's site, and uncle Nick and aunt Lori were a few spots away. We went for a little walk down to the dock to see if anyone was catching crabs,  and I got to see a whole bunch that someone pulled in on a crab pot. Then we went back to uncle Nick and aunt Lori ' s camp and had delicious fish tacos with the fresh fish and yummy salad.  I had a little trouble going to sleep in the tent by myself so daddy came in and snuggled me until I was sleeping. The next morning mama made pancakes and bacon and we all headed for the beach. It was kind of cool when we got there but then the sun came out and out was very warm with no wind.  We climbed rocks, looked in tide pools and ran all over the beach. Grandma helped me build a sand castle, but I liked to jump and smash it! My jeans got all wet and sandy,  so mama took them off and I got even more wet. It was so beautiful on the beach we didn't want to leave, but we had to head back to camp for lunch and nap. When I woke up it was almost time for dinner, but I rode a couple laps around the campground on my bike with daddy and mama. After another delicious dinner, I had a yummy s'more.

I slept the entire way to the coast and ate as soon as we got to the campground. I liked the smell of the ocean air.  I got lots of snuggles from everyone around the campfire. I slept pretty good, but I was a noisy sleeper so daddy and mama didn't sleep much. Mama put me in the front pack to walk on the beach and I feel asleep immediately. We got too hot,  so mama put me on a towel and I stayed with grandma while everyone ran and played on the beach. I was kind of cranky before bed on Saturday night, but still slept ok.


Thursday, August 14, 2014


I had so much fun at the water park that mama decided to take me again.  This time my friend Maren and her parents went too.  We got up real early and got there in time for the park to open.  Maren had never been there so I showed her all of the fun slides.  Her daddy, Allan, got a tube and we floated around the lazy river.  Towards the end of our time there,  mama decided to take me on one of the big slides that I wasn't tall enough to go on. They let me ride with mama and it was so much fun that I went again!  We went and had In and Out burgers again before heading home.  Maren and I were exhausted!  Daddy and mama went to the gym on Tuesday and I ran out of the kids play room to try out the rowing machine that I saw mama riding and tripped causing my face to smash right into the seat.  There were a few tears,  and when mama took me to the Jeep I asked her for dinner and stopped crying. The next morning I woke up with a nice shiner!  When I looked in the mirror I thought that I looked pretty silly. In the afternoon we picked some blackberries and headed to papa and grandma's to spend the night. Mama had to work on Thursday and I had fun playing with my cousins.

My trip to the water park was a little more eventful this time. I stayed awake most of the time and even got to put my legs in the water. I watched the kiddos splash and have fun and can't wait until I get to play like that. I had a rough trip on the way home and we had to stop a couple of times so I would stop crying. I was full of smiles and laughs on Tuesday,  and Jace tried to show me how to roll over on the floor. I couldn't quite do it,  but it was fun watching him. I took big naps at papa and grandma's house on Thursday and was happy to see my daddy when we got home.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

More summer fun!

Mama, Bella and I went for a walk out the driveway to see if there were any ripe blackberries.  I pointed them out to mama and she picked all of the ones she could reach. I ate them all for a snack.  Tuesday evening, auntie Leanne and Grace came for a visit.  Mama let me stay up past my bedtime so that I could see them. The next morning after breakfast,  we went on the big fast jet boat ride again. This trip we had a really crazy boat driver and we got wet on the way down and soaked on the way back.  My friend Maren and her daddy went with us too.  Grace  and auntie Leanne had lots of fun and so did we. Every time the driver would spin the boat around and get us wet, Maren, Grace and I would clap and yell.  We headed straight home for nap when we got off of the boat.  When Grace and I woke up we played outside.  Then next morning we all went for a hike behind the house before breakfast. Then we rode bikes and played with water balloons outside. After lunch auntie Leanne and Grace headed home.  We filled up my pool on Friday and mama and I played in it a bunch. We went to the farmer's market on Saturday morning and we got some yummy kettle corn.  We played in my pool again and walked to get the mail and picked more blackberries.  I picked a whole bunch of cherry tomatoes from the garden and ate some too. Sunday morning when daddy got home from work we went to church. After nap we hiked behind the house again and we found a few more berries to pick.

I always seem to fall asleep in the front pack when mama takes me for a walk.  I slept on the jet boat trip again, everyone got soaked except me. Mama covered me up with a couple of blankets.  I went to the Dr with mama after the boat ride.  I was very smiley and chatty with Dr Marshak. I weighed in at 12 lbs 13oz. I got three shots in my thighs, but I only cried for a short time.  I enjoyed watching Grace and Jace play outside and gave auntie Leanne lots of smiles too. Daddy and mama took me into church with them,  but I didn't fall asleep and instead wanted to talk. I guess I was too loud so they took me to the nursery there. There was a nice lady there that was happy to talk to me for the rest of church. She said I was a little angel:)