We went to a place to pick some apples with miss Tami and Maren on Wednesday morning. Maren and I ate a lot of apples and threw a bunch too. After our buckets were full, we headed home to do some canning. Maren and I played in the yard while mama and miss Tami canned apple pie filling and made some applesauce. It was a full day, and they didn't get as much done as they wanted because of us kids. Thursday was a relaxing day at home, I helped mama pick tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden. Friday, mama told me if I was a good boy that we could go visit daddy at the fire station! I was so excited, I put my turnouts on and played firefighter at the house. We put Bella on a blanket ob the floor to do some tummy time, and I showed her how to roll over again. She still couldn't do it, but at least she knows how by watching me. We headed to Medford after my nap to do some grocery shopping before we went to the fire station. I was so excited to ride on the golf cart they have there and look at the fire trucks. Daddy and I played outside while mama made pizzas for dinner. As soon as I ate all of my pizza I wanted to go back outside. I broke my play helmet, so I had to wear daddy's. Daddy had the next 4 days off, and we had some good days at home. Bella and I got a cold and had trouble sleeping, but we went to Saturday market and to the gym for daddy and mama to work it out.
I was a good girl for Apple picking but when mama was peeling and cutting up apples, I wanted to be held. I am getting a lot stronger and get new rolls every day. Jace likes to show me how to roll over and even helps me sometimes but I all can't do it by myself. It is fun watching him do it though. I smile and giggle at anyone that talks to me. I was a little angel at the fire station, but then I got the sniffles again and was cranky for a few days.
I was a good girl for Apple picking but when mama was peeling and cutting up apples, I wanted to be held. I am getting a lot stronger and get new rolls every day. Jace likes to show me how to roll over and even helps me sometimes but I all can't do it by myself. It is fun watching him do it though. I smile and giggle at anyone that talks to me. I was a little angel at the fire station, but then I got the sniffles again and was cranky for a few days.