Friday, May 30, 2014

Baby Bella is finally here!

On Wednesday morning daddy got me up and made me breakfast. Mama didn't feel very good and daddy said that I was going to spend the day with my friend Maren and Miss Tami. They also said that I was going to meet my baby sister later. I cried when they dropped me off at the Rogers house, but only because I knew mama didn't feel good and I wanted to be with her. As soon as I started playing with Maren, I was much better. We had a fun day of playing in the sandbox and down by their garden. After dinner and bath, Miss Tami said that we were going to meet my new baby sister. I was so excited to finally see her. Mama was holding her when we got there, I wasn't sure what to think at first, but then I gave baby Bella a smooch on the head. She is so soft and cuddly. After a while, I decided to hold her. Daddy, mama and Bella had to stay at the hospital, so papa and grandma took me to my house for bedtime. On Thursday morning, I helped grandma make biscuits for strawberry shortcake and we also made oatmeal banana bread. After breakfast, we headed back to the hospital to see daddy, mama and Bella. Bella got me a cool bug catching toy with a net, a magnifying glass and tweezers. I snuggled her some more, then we went back home for nap and to catch some bugs. Papa and grandma took me back to the hospital before they headed home. I helped daddy carry everything to the Jeep, and when mama's Dr came in to see her, we headed home as our new family of four. I like having Bella in the back seat with me to visit with. I am so busy helping mama with Bella that I won't have much time to blog. I think that Bella will have to share my blog and write some too.




Monday, May 26, 2014

Still waiting on baby sister!

Papa and grandma brought their camp trailer down on Saturday morning to stay at our house for the weekend. Everyone thinks baby sister will be here any day. Daddy had to work, but papa, grandma, mama and I went to the Saturday market and a big parade. I sat on papa's shoulders to watch. My favorite part was the marching bands, I clapped a lot. After nap, papa and grandma started on the walkways in the garden. Miss Tami and Maren came over for a bbq, and Maren and I had so much fun playing together. We played in my sandbox, wrestled in the lawn and raced my bike and car down the sidewalk. Sunday morning papa and grandma came in to have breakfast, then when daddy got home we headed to get another load of pea gravel for the garden. I liked watching them dump the gravel into the truck. When I woke up from my nap, the rocks were all done in the garden. Mama and I had races down the sidewalk and we walked out the driveway to take the trash. I threw a bunch of rocks in the creek, and ran down the hill on the way back. Papa and grandma brought tritip to bbq and a really yummy watermelon. Mama said baby sister would be out of her tummy by now, but she is still in there and I talk to her everyday. Yesterday was a productive day, papa and daddy cut up trees with their chainsaws and burned brush. Grandma, mama and I went up to the neighbors and got more firewood that they gave us. After daddy and papa were done, they went and got more firewood, and now our  woodshed and pole barn are full for next winter!

Another week of potty training

Monday, mama worked in Roseburg and I stayed home with daddy. We went to our old neighbor, Lori's house to finish her raised beds daddy made for her. I helped rake all of the compost inside the boxes. Then after nap we had a fun afternoon at home. I was in the bath when mama came home. She want feeling very good, so she didn't work on Tuesday. So we read books and played inside in the morning. Then I helped mama water her flowers and we walked to get the mail. I'm getting better at learning my colors, and tell mama every time I have to pee. The neighbors that live above us are moving, and offered us their firewood. So daddy, mama and I went up there and got 3 truckloads. Mama was hoping that it would make baby come, but it didn't work. Daddy worked on Thursday, and mama and I had a poop party with cake in the morning and went to her Dr appointment. After a few errands in town, we went to the gym so mama could workout. I hung out with miss Amber, and watched mama do her workout. Mama headed to work as soon as daddy got home on Friday morning. Daddy and I saw two cyotes behind the house after breakfast, so we went on a four Wheeler ride behind the house. We also went to the neighbors house to see if they needed help moving. When mama got home, we went for another ride on the four Wheeler. Daddy burned some brush and we went up to see the fire before bath.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The color run!

Wednesday was a hot day, and we played outside most of the day. Daddy worked on garden irrigation, and mama and I played. On Thursday, daddy and mama had to work so I spent the day with papa and grandma. In the morning, we all watched Barney (my favorite show), and after nap we played with Wyatt's fun sprinkler beach ball. Mama got done early, and we headed home. Mama and I packed a picnic lunch and went for a bike ride to where papa and grandma came to camp on Friday morning. It was a fun and warm bike ride. When daddy got home, I wrestled with him for a while, then helped mama water her flowers. Saturday morning we went to Medford to do a color run. There were lots of people there and the music was really loud. I clung to daddy and mama at first, but as soon as the race started, I ran. I was wearing a colorful headband like mama and a cape that made me really fast. They sprayed us with all different colors throughout the race, and we all had fun. My friend Maren and her daddy and mommy ran too. I rode in a pack on daddy's back when I got tired. After a big morning and I little lunch, I took a 3 hour nap. Today it rained a good part of the day, so mama and I stacked a lot of blocks, played hide and seek and read a lot of books. We went through my toy box to see what toys I could share with baby sister when she comes. I helped mama put them all in her room.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy mama's day!!

Saturday morning I woke up, and daddy was home. I was so happy to see him. We snuggled for a while, built blocks, and wrestled on the floor. It was a rainy day, so we spent most of the day inside. Daddy took me for a four Wheeler ride in the evening, because he was so proud of me for peeing on the potty so much lately. We got mama a card for mother's day, and I got to put my hand prints on the front. Then daddy and I recorded ourselves saying "happy mothers day, we love you" and it plays whenever you open the card.  We gave it to mama on Sunday morning before daddy went to work, and she loved it. I had a bit of a rough morning with mama; time outs and tantrums, but after I got that out of my system, we had a good day. Grandma and papa came for brunch and papa put the gate on the garden. I had fun playing and watering in the garden. We had a delicious dinner before grandma and papa headed home. Monday, daddy started working on the irrigation to the garden as soon as he came home from work. I played with Alli and rode my car with mama. Daddy also took the top off of the Jeep after mama washed it. I thought it was broken, but when mama and I went to the Rogers' house for dinner, I thought it was fun to see the sky while driving. I had fun playing with Maren in her sand box, and riding her bike. Today mama had a Dr appointment, and I was a very good boy while we were there. Then we came home and I wore big boy underwear all day long. I even told mama every time I had to go potty. It was really hot today, so we played in a bucket of water in the shade. I helped mama water her garden and flowers before we came inside for dinner. We had a good day!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Yamma's visit!

I now call grandma "yamma", and she came to help mama finish the garden. I showed her that I could shovel and rode my trike down the driveway. She and mama got the dirt in the garden and put the rest of the pile in the front on the house for a flower garden. I helped grandma plant and water the flowers while mama mowed the lawn. After I went to bed, grandma and mama finished my navy sister's room. There is a swing in there and even a baby car seat. Thursday morning, grandma, mama and I went to town to do some shopping and get the vegetables for the garden. They got them all planted before it started to rain. Mama had to go to the Dr, so I stayed at home with grandma and played. I asked for daddy three times today wondering if he was home yet, but mama said in two days. She says we get to meet baby sister in a couple weeks. I'm excited to snuggle her. Grandma stayed at our house again because mama didn't feel very good. She didn't go to work today either, so we all had a relaxing morning. Grandma stacked blocked with me, then we made some banana muffins, and had a tea party. Grandma said she was going home when I went down for a nap. Mama took a nap too. When we woke up, we noticed that Alli dog dug in our new flower garden and mama put her in a time out. I peed in the potty a lot today and had lots of treats. Mama gave me a hair cut tonight and told me that daddy will be here when I wake up in the morning. I can't wait to see him, I bet he will make me a smoothie for breakfast :-)

Lala's visit!

Lala and mama did a lot of sewing on Monday. They made bedding for my baby sister's crib. It is very colorful! Just before lunch, a big dump truck came and dumped a whole bunch of compost dirt for the garden. After nap, it stopped raining, and we headed outside to play in the dirt. I helped Lala and mama fill the wheelbarrows with my own shovel. They got one of the raised beds in the garden filled up with dirt. I was very dirty, so Lala gave me a bath and then we read lots of books before bed. I told Lala that I wanted her to get me out of my crib in the morning. She did, and then I snuggled with her for a while before breakfast. Mama went to town and I stayed and played at home with Lala. The weather was nice in the afternoon, so Lala and mama worked outside. I helped dig in the dirt, and rode my tricycle down the driveway a whole bunch. I talked to daddy on the phone, but I miss him. I had a big poop on the potty, so we had a poop party and I ate cake! Lala read more books to me after bath again, then we all played duck, duck, goose and hide and seek. It was so much fun. Wednesday morning, I cooked in my kitchen for Lala before she had to go home.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fun filled weekend!

On Saturday morning mama and I went to the store and headed to Eugene to her friend Chelsea's house. We took them dinner and saw their three week old babies. There were two of them and they were very little and cute. I ate lunch there, and then we headed back to Roseburg for Wyatt's birthday party. We made it just in time, so we put on our camo in their driveway. We sang happy birthday to Wyatt and uncle Nick. Wyatt got a compound bow and we all went outside to watch him shoot it. I played on the slide and mama took me to pet the horse. Sunday was another big day. Mama and I went to her friend Suzi's house to see their baby goats. I held a couple and chased them around. I saw some cows there too and wanted to ride one but mama said no. I fell asleep when we left there, but we headed to go meet miss Tami and Maren to go to the wildlife safari. They rode with us to drive through. We even got food to feed the deer and emus. The emu was a little creepy, but I held the cup once while it ate. When we got back to papa and grandma's the house was full of people for a tea party for my baby sister. I went to the duck pond to feed the ducks with papa, uncle Nick and Wyatt. Then we came back and I played with all of the kids in the play room. Even my cousin Grace was there and my friend Maren too. Lala was at the tea party, and came home with us after it was over. I told mama I wanted Lala to get me up the next morning.



Friday, May 2, 2014

Busy busy week

A had a busy week of working on the garden. Daddy worked on leveling and irrigation. Papa and grandma came down on Wednesday to build the raised beds. Daddy even went to get some dirt to go in them. Mama miscalculated how much dirt we would need and decided that she would have them deliver 10 yards next week. Thursday daddy went for more irrigation stuff and to our old neighbor's house to help her out. Mama and I dropped off the Jeep to get the oil changed and tires rotated. I also went to the Dr with her and was a good boy. We headed home for lunch and nap. Daddy went shopping for his big Mt biking trip and mama made lasagna while I was napping. We returned the trailer we borrowed, picked up the Jeep and went out for dinner. I got to snuggle daddy and watch a short movie before bed. Friday daddy had to work, and mama and I headed to Roseburg. I had fun playing with all of my cousins outside.