Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

On Tuesday daddy, mama, Alli and I headed for bampa and Lala's house to beat the traffic for Thanksgiving. I was so good in the car, we sang, ate snacks and I took a nap too. On Wednesday morning, daddy and auntie Leanne took Grace and I to the pool for a swim. I had so much fun kicking, splashing and blowing bubbles. It was really cold outside, so when we got home mama gave me a sip of her hot cocoa. I immediately got a huge smile on my face and said "more please". After nap we made a Thanksgiving craft, it tickled my toes when mama painted the color on my foot. At bath time, Lala put lots of bubbles in the tub and I liked dipping my face in them to make a bubble beard. I woke up earlier than usual this morning so I took a big nap. Lala made me a turkey shirt, and I was a big hit at the retirement home when we went to pick up great grandpa. I had fun playing with Grace when she came, but I didn't eat a very big dinner even though there was lots of food!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Terrible two a little early!

I'm only 20 months, but mama says I'm acting like a two year old. I have been very challenging for daddy and mama over the last week. Mama and I spent the last few days at papa and grandma's house and had my fair share of time outs there too. One morning at home I found daddy's shoes and wallet at the front door, so I wore the shoes into the kitchen to show them the wallet too. I had fun playing with my cousins at grandma's. Grandma let me have a turn at the learning game on the computer. I snuggled with papa in the evenings, and grandma read me lots of books. I even told papa when I had to go potty, and pooped on the potty for the first time yesterday! Yesterday we had an early Thanksgiving at grandma's. Before dinner I watched football with uncle Nick and then ate a big dinner. After dinner we decorated gingerbread houses, I helped mama until I put too many hard candies in my mouth, then she said I was done. We got home last night, and I was so excited to see daddy this morning when he got home from work.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Camping Fun!

It has been a while since the last post, but we have been busy. Daddy and mama went elk hunting last weekend and there was a lot of packing and planning before we left. Papa and grandma took their camper up on the mt for daddy, mama and I. Uncle Nick and aunt Lori let us take their trailer too for papa, grandma and aunt Linda to stay in for the weekend. Uncle Nick and Kenzi came up for the day on Saturday, I finally made up to uncle Nick and Kenzi caught a big fish. We cooked it on the fire and it was very yummy! I woke up early with daddy and mama, but took an earlier nap for grandma and aunt Linda. I had fun helping gather firewood, climbing on the firewood and smashing bugs. Grandma set up an obstacle course for me to jump through, I laughed a lot and they jumped through it with me. The weather was great for camping, but not so good for the hunting. I blew on papa's elk call and rode my bike too, I even helped grandma sweep her camper. On Sunday afternoon, papa, grandma, aunt Linda and I all went home. Daddy and mama stayed for a couple more days but didn't have any luck, they picked me up on Tuesday night and we headed home. Yesterday, I helped daddy and mama do laundry, clean and put everything away. I spent the day with daddy today while mama worked, we had fun just daddy and me.



Sunday, November 3, 2013

Grace comes to visit!

On Friday, mama had to work and I spent the day with daddy. When mama got home, we got ready to go to the Halloween party at uncle Nick and aunt Lori's. We played lots of fun games and all of the kids had so much fun together. When we left the party, we met auntie Leanne and Grace in Roseburg and headed for home.  On Saturday morning it was raining when we got up so we played inside all morning. After my morning nap, we went outside and rode bikes. Grace brought me her strider bike and I do a pretty good job riding it. I even rode it through the mud puddle! While Grace was napping I went for a walk with daddy and auntie Leanne. I played in the mud puddle when we got back. I jumped in it, ran through it, sat in it and even put my head in it. We took a bath in mama's big tub with lots of bubbles. We had a lot of fun with auntie Leanne and Grace, but they had to leave to go home during my morning nap this morning.